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词汇 ear
ear | BrE ɪə, AmE ɪr | noun countable Anatomy, Zoology 耳朵 ěrduo inner/middle/outer ear 内耳/中耳/外耳 an ear infection 耳部感染 wet behind the ears informal derogatory 乳臭未干的 my ears are burning 有人在议论我呢 to be all ears informal 专心倾听 to bend sb's ear (about sth) informal 向某人反复说(某事) to be out on one's ear informal (from job) 被迫离开工作岗位 (from home) 被赶出家门 to be up to one's ears in debt/work informal 负债累累/埋头工作 to have a word in sb's ear 和某人私下谈 to go in one ear and out the other 左耳进,右耳出 to have or keep one's ear to the ground 关注动向 to keep one's ears open (for sth) (be quick to hear) 留意倾听(某事) (find out about) 关注(某事) to lend or give a sympathetic ear 同情地倾听 to listen with half an ear 心不在焉地听 deaf A2 uncountable (hearing, perception) 听觉 tīngjué pleasant to the ear 悦耳的 to the trained/untrained ear 对于训练有素/缺乏训练的耳朵 to play music by ear 不看乐谱演奏乐曲 to play it by ear figurative informal 随机应变 to have an ear for music 有音乐鉴赏力 to have a good ear for accents 善于辨别口音 countable (of grain) suì




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