

词汇 Congolese
Congolese | BrE ˌkɒŋɡəˈliːz, AmE ˌkɑŋɡəˈliz | A. adjective (of the Republic of the Congo) 刚果的 Gāngguǒ de ; (of the Democratic Republic of the Congo) 刚果的 Gāngguǒ de ; (of the people of the Republic of the Congo) 刚果人的 Gāngguǒrén de ; (of the languages of the Republic of the Congo) 刚果语的 Gāngguǒyǔ de B. noun countable (person of the Republic of the Congo) 刚果人 Gāngguǒrén uncountable (languages of the Republic of the Congo) 刚果语 Gāngguǒyǔ




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