

词汇 easy
easy | BrE ˈiːzi, AmE ˈizi | A. adjective (not difficult) 容易的 róngyì de job; 简单的 jiǎndān de problem; 轻松的 qīngsōng de journeyan easy climb 不费力的攀爬 it's an easy car to drive 那辆车容易开 as easy as pie or ABC or anything informal 极其容易 to be easy on the eye/ear informal 看起来/听上去不费力 (comfortable) 舒适的 shūshì de life, atmosphereto make life or things or it too easy for sb 让某人过于舒服 to have an easy ride informal 一路顺风 to live in easy circumstances 过宽裕的生活 (relaxed) 自在的 zìzài de smileto have an easy manner 举止洒脱 to write in a relaxed, easy style 以平易流畅的风格写作 to feel easy (in one's mind) about sth 对某事物放心 (vulnerable) 易受伤害的 yì shòu shānghài de victim; 易受攻击的 yì shòu gōngjī de targethe's easy game or meat 他容易上当 informal derogatory (promiscuous) 水性杨花的 shuǐxìng yánghuā de she's easy 她很容易到手 US (lenient) 宽容的 kuānróng de teacher; 宽松的 kuānsōng de standarddad was too easy on him 爸爸对他太纵容 predicative informal (having no preference) 随和的 suíhe de shall we go? — I'm easy 我们走吗?──随便 easier predicative, only in comparative form (less intense) 程度轻的 chéngdù qīng de to make the pain easier 减轻疼痛 is the pain any easier? 疼得轻点了吗? B. adverb informal (in relaxed way) 从容地 cóngróng de to take it or things easy 从容不迫 take it easy! 别着急! easy come, easy go 来得容易去得快 informal (carefully) 小心地 xiǎoxīn de easy does it! 轻点儿! to go easy on or with sth 轻手轻脚摆弄某物 informal (leniently) 宽容地 kuānróng de to go easy on or with sb 宽容地对待某人 (without difficulty) 容易地 róngyì de easier said than done 说时容易做时难 Military 放松地 fàngsōng de stand easy! 稍息!




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