

词汇 eat
eat | BrE iːt, AmE it | past tense ate past participle eaten A. transitive verb (consume) chī to be unfit to eat 不宜食用 to look good enough to eat figurative 秀色可餐 to eat one's words figurative 收回自己的话 I could eat a horse informal 我饿极了 to eat sb/sth alive literal 将某人/某物活活吃掉 figurative (criticize) 对某人/某事物横加指责 duì mǒu rén/mǒu shìwù héngjiā zhǐzé figurative (defeat) 彻底击败某人/某事物 chèdǐ jībài mǒu rén/mǒu shìwù we were eaten alive by insects figurative informal 虫子差点把我们活活吃了 to eat sb out of house and home informal 把某人吃穷 eat your heart out! informal 嫉妒去吧! pie informal (use a lot of) «car, machine» 大量消耗 dàliàng xiāohào fuel informal (worry) 使烦恼 shǐ fánnǎo what's eating you? 你为何苦恼? something's eating her 她心事重重 B. intransitive verb (take food) 吃东西 chī dōngxi to eat out of …; 吃…中的食物 plate, bowlto eat out of sb's hand figurative 对某人言听计从 to eat like a horse informal 食量大如牛 (have meal) 吃饭 chīfàn PHRASAL VERBS eat away transitive verb [eat away sth, eat sth away] (by erosion) 侵蚀 qīnshí (chemically) 腐蚀 fǔshí (by nibbling) 蚕食 cánshí eat away at transitive verb [eat away at sth] (by erosion) 侵蚀 qīnshí (chemically) 腐蚀 fǔshí (by nibbling) 蚕食 cánshí (use up) 消耗 xiāohào savings, profits(lessen) «criticism, failure» 使…逐渐丧失 shǐ… zhújiàn sàngshī confidence, self-esteemeat into transitive verb [eat into sth] (chemically) 腐蚀 fǔshí (by nibbling) 蚕食 cánshí (use up) «bills, costs» 消耗 xiāohào savings, profits, funds(encroach on) 占用 zhànyòng time, holidayeat out intransitive verb 下馆子 xià guǎnzi eat up A. [eat sth up, eat up sth] transitive verb (consume completely) 吃光 chīguāng food(use a lot of) «car, heater» 大量消耗 dàliàng xiāohào fuel(use up) «costs» 耗尽 hàojìn funds, savingsinformal (cover quickly) 迅速走过 xùnsù zǒuguo to eat up the miles 飞驰而过大段路程 B. [eat sb up, eat up sb] transitive verb «envy, guilt» 困扰 kùnrǎo to be eaten up with or by …; 因…而焦虑 envy, desireC. intransitive verb 吃光 chīguāng




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