

词汇 ebb
ebb | BrE ɛb, AmE ɛb | A. noun literal (tide) 退潮 tuìcháo the tide is on the ebb 正在退潮 the ebb and flow of the tide 潮水的涨落 figurative (decline) 衰退 shuāituì to listen to the ebb and flow of conversation 听着时低时高的谈话声 to be at a low ebb 处于低潮 my spirits were at a low ebb 我当时情绪低落 B. intransitive verb «tide, tidewater» 退落 tuìluò to ebb and flow 潮涨潮落 PHRASAL VERB ebb away intransitive verb «strength» 衰退 shuāituì ; «fortunes» 减少 jiǎnshǎo her enthusiasm was ebbing away 她的热情渐渐消退下来




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