

词汇 get in
get in A. intransitive verb (arrive at destination) «bus, plane» 到达 dàodá (enter, penetrate) 进入 jìnrù let the air get in 让空气透进来 (reach home) 到住所 dào zhùsuǒ I get in at 6 o' clock 我6点到家 (be elected) «candidate, party» 当选 dāngxuǎn (be admitted) «candidate, student» 被录取 bèi lùqǔ B. [get in sth] transitive verb (enter, penetrate) 进入 jìnrù the dust got in my eyes 灰尘眯了我的眼睛 how do you get in the museum? 你是怎样进入博物馆的? (fit in) 塞进 sāijìn that car will never get in that space 那辆车无论如何都进不去那空位 (develop) 开始有 kāishǐ yǒu mood, habitto get in a temper/panic 发脾气/陷入恐慌 C. [get sth in, get in sth] transitive verb (bring in) 把…拿进来 bǎ… ná jinlai it's raining — get the tables/washing in 下雨了,把桌子搬进来/衣服收进来 (fit into space) 能把…塞进去 néng bǎ… sāi jinqu to get the drawer in 把抽屉推进去 can you get these shoes in your suitcase? 能否把鞋子塞进你的手提包内? (deliver, hand in) 设法交出 shèfǎ jiāochū did you get your essay in on time? 你按时交论文了吗? (include in article, schedule) 设法增加 shèfǎ zēngjiā he got in a reference to his new book 他给自己的新书添加了参考书目 to try to get in a little tennis 争取打打网球 I got mine in first US informal 我先下手报复 (buy in) 购进 gòujìn Farming (collect) 收割 shōugē harvest, crops(interpolate) 争取发言说 zhēngqǔ fāyán shuō to get a word in 插话 (plant) 种植 zhòngzhí D. [get sb in] transitive verb (summon) 请来 qǐng lái police, doctor(ensure admission of) 使进入 shǐ jìnrù this card will get you in (to club) 凭此卡即可进去 three As should be enough to get her in (to school, university) 她得了三个A,应该够录取条件 Politics 使当选 shǐ dāngxuǎn you must vote to get our candidate in 你必须投票让我们的候选人当选




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