

词汇 get under
get under A. intransitive verb (go underneath) 到下面 dào xiàmian ; (fit underneath) 放在下面 fàng zài xiàmian you get under while I hold the wire up 我掀着铁丝网,你从底下钻过去 B. [get under sth] transitive verb (go underneath) 到…下面 dào… xiàmian ; (fit underneath) 放在…下面 fàng zài… xiàmian can you get under the fence? 你可以到围栏下面吗﹖ C. [get sth under sth] transitive verb 把…放到下面 bǎ… fàng dào xiàmian to get the box under the bed 把盒子塞到床下




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