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词汇 fix
fix | BrE fɪks, AmE fɪks | A. transitive verb (attach, insert) 使…固定 shǐ… gùdìng picture; 安装 ānzhuāng handleto fix sth to or on to sth; 把某物固定在某物上 to fix a ‘No Smoking’sign to the door 在门上安一块“禁止吸烟”的牌子 he fixed his tie to his shirt with a pin 他用领带夹把领带别在衬衫上 to fix sth in or into …; 把某物固定进… to fix sth into place or position 把某物固定好 to fix things together 把东西固定在一起 to fix the hammock to the tree 把吊床固定在树上 fix bayonets! 上刺刀! figurative (assign) 把…归于 bǎ… guīyú wrong-doingto fix sth on sb; 把某事归咎于某人 to fix the blame on sb 怪罪某人 to fix the suspicion on sb 怀疑某人 figurative (imprint) 牢记 láojì name, sightto fix sth in one's brain or mind 牢记某事 figurative (concentrate visually) 使…对准 shǐ… duìzhǔn gaze; (gaze at) 盯住 dīngzhù personshe fixed her eyes on or upon the door 她眼睛紧盯着门 to fix sb with sth; 以某种眼光注视某人 he fixed her with a stony look 他冷冷地盯着她 figurative (focus) 使…集中 shǐ… jízhōng thoughts, attention, aimto fix one's hopes on sth/doing sth 一心盼望某事/希望做某事 (set, determine) 确定 quèdìng to fix a time for sth/doing sth 确定某事/做某事的时间 have you fixed the rent yet? 你定下房租了吗? the government has fixed tax at 20% 政府已经将税率定为20% (arrange) 安排 ānpái meeting, triphave you anything fixed for Saturday evening? 你周六晚上有事吗? they tried to fix things so that they could travel together 他们作了一些准备以便可以一起旅行 if you really want to go to Greece I'll fix it for you 如果你真想去希腊,我来替你安排 (mend) 修理 xiūlǐ object, equipment; 修补 xiūbǔ puncture, holeI'll fix the problem for you 我来帮你解决问题 (mainly US) informal (prepare) 准备 zhǔnbèi food, mealto fix sb sth, to fix sth for sb; 为某人准备某物 wèi mǒu rén zhǔnbèi mǒu wù can I fix you a drink? 我替你弄杯饮品好吗? (mainly US) informal (adjust) 整理 zhěnglǐ clothes, roomto fix one's make-up 补妆 I'll just go and fix my hair/face 我这就去梳个头/化个妆 informal (rig) 用不正当手段操纵 yòng bùzhèngdàng shǒuduàn cāozòng match, election informal (bribe) 买通 mǎitōng witness, judge informal (deal with) 向…报仇 xiàng… bàochóu bully, tormentorso that's her little game! I'll fix her! 她耍这样的小花招!我来收拾她! informal (kill) 干掉 gàndiào criminal, gangster; (disable) 废掉 fèidiào I'll get him fixed 我要叫人干掉他 US (neuter) 阉割 yāngē animalare you going to get him fixed? 你打算给它去势吗? Art, Photography 使…定影 shǐ… dìngyǐng film; 使…固色 shǐ… gùsè fabric, paper, pastel drawing; 使…固着 shǐ… gùzhe dye Biology (assimilate) «micro-organism, plant» 使…不挥发 shǐ… bù huīfā carbon dioxidebacteria that fix nitrogen 固氮菌 Biology (stabilize) 固定 gùdìng specimen, tissue, cells informal (inject) 为自己注射 wèi zìjǐ zhùshè heroinB. intransitive verb informal (arrange) 安排 ānpái to fix for sb to do sth; 安排某人做某事 US (intend) 打算 dǎsuàn to fix to do sth; 打算做某事 I'm fixing to call the police 我正打算报警 informal (inject heroin) 注射毒品 zhùshè dúpǐn C. noun usually singular informal (quandary) 困境 kùnjìng a fine or nice or pretty or real fix 棘手的困境 to be in/get into a fix 处于/陷入困境 informal (drug dose) 一剂毒品 yī jì dúpǐn a fix of heroin 一剂海洛因 informal (solution) 解决办法 jiějué bànfǎ a quick fix 即时的解决办法 informal (rigged arrangement) 受操纵的事 shòu cāozòng de shì the last race was definitely a fix 最后一场赛跑肯定做了手脚 Aviation, Nautical 定位 dìngwèi a radio fix 无线电定位 to take or get a fix on sth 确定某物的方位 let's get a fix on the problem 咱们来把问题搞清楚 PHRASAL VERBS fix on A. [fix sth on, fix on sth] transitive verb (fasten) 把…固定好 bǎ… gùdìng hǎo to fix the lid on firmly 盖紧盖子 he fixed his glasses on his nose and started reading 他把眼镜架上鼻梁后开始阅读 she fixed a new horseshoe on the mare's hoof 她为母马的蹄子钉了新的马掌 B. [fix on sb/sth] transitive verb (choose) 选定 xuǎn dìng person, place, date; 确定 quèdìng amountto fix on doing sth; 确定做某事 fix up A. [fix sth up, fix up sth] transitive verb (arrange) 安排 ānpái holiday, date, meetingto fix up to do sth; 安排做某事 we fixed up that we'd go separately 我们准备分头走 I'll fix up for you to accompany me 我将安排你陪同我前去 (put up) 把…挂起来 bǎ… guà qilai poster; 把…装上去 bǎ… zhuāng shangqu shelf, mirror(hastily erect) 草草搭建 cǎocǎo dājiàn shelter, storage; 草草竖起 cǎocǎo shùqǐ barrier(decorate) 装修 zhuāngxiū building, home; (repair) 修理 xiūlǐ B. transitive verb informal (provide) to fix sb up with sth; 为某人准备某物 wèi mǒu rén zhǔnbèi mǒu wù we fixed him up with a room/job 我们给他准备了房间/安排了工作 to fix sb up with sb; 给某人介绍某人 gěi mǒu rén jièshào mǒu rén can you fix me up with a date? 你可以给我订一个日子吗?




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