

词汇 fixed
fixed | BrE fɪkst, AmE fɪkst | adjective (fastened, not variable) 固定的 gùdìng de a fixed holiday 日期固定的节日 a fixed-wing aircraft 固定翼飞机 to have no fixed ideas on sth 对某个问题没有定见 to have the fixed menu 点套餐 (steady) 不变的 bùbiàn de a fixed smile 呆板的微笑 to hold sb in a fixed gaze 凝视某人 (firm) 坚定不移的 jiāndìng bù yí de aim, determination predicative informal (situated) 处于某种境况的 chǔyú mǒu zhǒng jìngkuàng de how are you fixed for time? 你有多少时间? he is better fixed financially than me 他的经济状况比我好




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