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词汇 afford
afford | BrE əˈfɔːd, AmE əˈfɔrd | transitive verb (have money for) 支付得起 zhīfù de qǐ to be able to afford sth 买得起某物 to be able to afford to do sth 有钱做某事 please give what you can afford 请慷慨解囊 (spare) 能抽出 néng chōuchū time, energywe can't afford the space to include all these examples 我们没有足够篇幅把这些例子都加进去 (risk) 承受得起 chéngshòu de qǐ scandal, job lossesthe government can't afford the risk/to lose 政府担不起这样的风险/输不起 he can afford/can ill afford to wait 他等得及/等不及 formal (give) 提供 tígōng protection, information, opportunitythe window afforded a magnificent view of the gardens 从这个窗户可以看到花园的美景




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