

词汇 education
education | BrE ɛdjʊˈkeɪʃ(ə)n, AmE ˌɛdʒəˈkeɪʃ(ə)n | noun uncountable (formal schooling) 教育 jiàoyù ; (knowledge acquired) 受到的教育 shòudào de jiàoyù to have a university/college education 接受大学教育 adult/higher education 成人/高等教育 education standards 教育水平 my education is rather limited 我没有受过多少教育 uncountable (field of study) 教育学 jiàoyùxué education theory 教育学理论 a college of education 教育学院 uncountable (national system) 教育领域 jiàoyù lǐngyù the Minister of Education, the Education Minister 教育部长 uncountable (training) 培养 péiyǎng physical/moral education 体育/德育 countable (revelation) 有益的经历 yǒuyì de jīnglì he is a good workman; it is an education to watch him 他是位好工人;看他工作获益良多




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