

词汇 effect
effect | BrE ɪˈfɛkt, AmE əˈfɛkt | A. noun countable and uncountable (result) 结果 jiéguǒ the effects of medicine 药效 the beneficial effects of exercise 锻炼的益处 the effect of alcohol on the liver 酒精对肝脏的影响 to have a damaging effect on sb/sth 对某人/某事物起破坏作用 uncountable (efficacy) 效力 xiàolì of little/no effect 效力甚微/无效 they took precautions, to no effect 他们采取了预防措施,但无济于事 to take effect «law» 生效 «medicine» 见效 jiànxiào to come into effect «law» 开始生效 to put sth into effect 实行 shíxíng policyto put a new system into effect 实施新体制 with effect from … formal 从…起生效 countable and uncountable (impression) 效果 xiàoguǒ to give/create the effect of sth 产生某种效果 the effect on sb; 给某人的印象 for effect 为了加深印象 a marbled effect 大理石效果 an effect of light 灯光效果 countable (basic meaning) 大意 dàyì to this/that effect 有这/有那个意思 … or words to that effect …或者类似的话 countable (in scientific use) 效应 xiàoyìng the placebo effect 安慰剂效果 B. effects plural noun Cinema, Radio, Television special effects 特技效果 tèjì xiàoguǒ Law personal effects 个人财产 gèrén cáichǎn C. in effect adverb phrase (effectively) 实质上 shízhì shang (in use) 在实施中 zài shíshī zhōng the regulations are not yet in effect 这些规定还没有实行 D. transitive verb formal 实行 shíxíng reform; 实施 shíshī rescue; 引起 yǐnqǐ changeto effect a cure 治愈 to effect a settlement of a dispute 解决争端




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