

词汇 effective
effective | BrE ɪˈfɛktɪv, AmE əˈfɛktɪv | adjective (efficient) 有效的 yǒuxiào de effective measures to reduce unemployment 减少失业人数的有效措施 to be effective against sth; 对某事物有效 predicative (operational) 生效的 shēngxiào de to become effective; 生效 this law is no longer effective 这条法规已经失效 (striking, impressive) 给人深刻印象的 gěi rén shēnkè yìnxiàng de a very effective colour scheme 非常醒目的色彩布局 an effective speech 精彩的演说 attributive (actual) 实际的 shíjì de leader, amount, incometo lose effective power 失去实权 an effective increase of 25% 25%的实际增长 (fit for action) 有战斗力的 yǒu zhàndòulì de soldiers, army; 适于工作的 shìyú gōngzuò de manpower




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