

词汇 egg
egg | BrE ɛɡ, AmE ɛɡ | noun (of bird) dàn ; (of fish, reptile) luǎn to put all one's eggs in one basket figurative 孤注一掷 as sure as eggs is eggs informal 毫无疑问 to have egg on one's face figurative 丢脸 to lay an egg US 完全失败 goose A1, grandmother Biology (ovum) 卵子 luǎnzǐ (egg-shaped object) 蛋状物 dànzhuàngwù a chocolate egg 巧克力蛋 PHRASAL VERB egg on: transitive verb [egg sb on] informal 怂恿 sǒngyǒng to egg sb on to do sth; 鼓动某人做某事




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