

词汇 flank
flank | BrE flaŋk, AmE flæŋk | A. noun (of animal) 胁腹 xiéfù (side of hill, building) 侧面 cèmiàn Military 侧翼 cèyì the artillery was on the left flank 炮兵部队在左翼 B. transitive verb (be on each side of) 位于…的两侧 wèiyú… de liǎng cè person, roadthe president was flanked by two armed men 总统的两旁有两个武装人员 (be on one side of) 位于…的一侧 wèiyú… de yī cè building, roadthe town was flanked by mountains to the north 城镇的北面是山脉




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