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词汇 flat
flat1 | BrE flat, AmE flæt | A. adjective (horizontal, level and smooth) 水平的 shuǐpíng de ground, roof; 平坦的 píngtǎn de road, surfacea perfect, flat lawn 十分平坦的草坪 to be flat on one's back/face or stomach 仰面平躺着/平趴着 the sea was flat and there was no wind 海上风平浪静 as flat as a pancake 完全平的 (not round) 平展的 píngzhǎn de stoneslim hips and a flat stomach 窄臀平腹 a flat nose 塌鼻子 some early scientists believed that the earth was flat 早期的一些科学家认为地球是平的 a pan with a flat base 平底锅 (shallow) 浅的 qiǎn de dish, basket, box (deflated, squashed) 瘪了的 biěle de ballmy back tyre has gone flat 我的后胎瘪了 you've got a flat tyre 你有一个轮胎没气了 to squash or press or squeeze or crush sth flat 把某物压扁 to fold/pack sth flat 将某物折叠/包装成扁平状 predicative (pressed close) 紧贴的 jǐntiē de with one's feet flat on the floor 双脚紧贴地板 is the wardrobe flat against the wall? 衣柜贴住墙了吗? Clothing 平跟的 pínggēn de shoea pair of sandals with flat heels 一双平跟凉鞋 Flat Horse racing 平地赛马的 píngdì sàimǎ de meeting, racecoursethe Flat season 平地赛马季节 (no longer fizzy) 走了气的 zǒuleqì de alcoholic drink, lemonadeto go flat 走了气 British Electricity 电用完的 diàn yòngwán de the battery must be flat 电池肯定没电了 to go flat 电力耗尽 (lacking emotion) 平淡的 píngdàn de performance, party, tone; (lacking contrast) 反差小的 fǎnchā xiǎo de photographhis voice was flat and monotonous 他的声音平板而单调 ‘she's dead,’he said in a flat voice “她死了,”他淡淡地说 a flat shade of grey 单调的灰色 usually predicative (insipid) 淡而无味的 dàn ér wú wèi de food, drinkto taste flat 吃上去淡而无味 (depressed) 无精打采的 wú jīng dǎ cǎi de to appear/feel/sound flat 看起来/感觉/听起来无精打采的 Business 不景气的 bùjǐngqì de market, business Music (lower by a semitone) 降半音的 jiàng bànyīn de E flat 降E调 Music (off-key) 音调偏低的 yīndiào piān dī de voice, instrument, noteto go flat 音调偏低 (absolute) 断然的 duànrán de refusal, denial; 绝对的 juéduì de contradictionshe gave me a flat rejection 她断然拒绝了我 and that's flat! informal 就这样定了! you're not going to the party, and that's flat! 你不能去参加聚会,没有商量余地! attributive Business 均一的 jūnyī de rate, charge, wagea flat fare of £1.50 车费一律1.5英镑 I did the work for a flat fee 我做这个工作酬劳固定 (matt) 亚光的 yàguāng de colour, surfacea flat paint 亚光漆 Phonetics 平舌的 píngshé de vowel predicative US informal (broke) 身无分文的 shēn wú fēn wén de to be flat 一贫如洗 B. adverb (so as to be horizontal or level) 平直地 píngzhí de to hold one's hand out flat 把手平伸 to lay the blanket flat on the floor 把毯子平铺在地板上 the bombing raid laid the village flat 空袭将这个村庄夷为平地 she knocked her opponent flat 她将对手击倒在地 to lie flat 平躺 flat on one's back/face or stomach 仰面平躺/平趴着 she hammered the metal flat 她把金属锤平 the pleats should lie flat after you have pressed them 熨烫过后这些衣褶应该很伏贴 to fall flat «joke, plan» 未达到效果 «party, celebration» 没意思 méi yìsi (in close contact) 紧贴地 jǐntiē de I pressed flat against the wall 我紧靠在墙上 to rest the oars flat on the water 把桨平放在水面上 Music 以降调 yǐ jiàngdiào sing, play informal (absolutely) 断然地 duànrán de turn downshe told me flat that I hadn't got the job 她直截了当地告诉我说我没有得到这份工作 he refused flat 他断然拒绝 informal (exactly) 正好 zhènghǎo in … flat; 只用了… she drank the beer in five seconds flat 她仅仅5秒钟就喝完了啤酒 C. noun (flat surface of hand, blade, oar, etc.) 平面 píngmiàn the flat of sth; 某物的平面 he struck her with the flat of his hand 他扇了她一巴掌 the flat of a sword 剑面 (area of flat ground) 浅滩 qiǎntān mud/salt flats 淤泥滩/盐沼 British (flat ground) 平地 píngdì on the flat; 在平地上 (mainly US) informal (deflated tyre) 瘪车胎 biě chētāi to get a flat 瘪了一个轮胎 (mainly US) (shoe) 平跟鞋 pínggēnxié to wear flats 穿平跟鞋 Flat British Horse racing the flat; 平地赛马 píngdì sàimǎ Music (note) 降半音 jiàng bànyīn ; (sign) 降半音符号 jiàng bànyīn fúhào usually plural Theatre 平面布景 píngmiàn bùjǐng




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