

词汇 hard
hard | BrE hɑːd, AmE hɑrd | A. adjective (difficult) 困难的 kùnnan de problem, choiceit's hard (for sb) to do sth; (某人)做某事很难 to find sth hard to do 感到某事很难做 it's hard to believe that … 很难相信… a hard person to get on or along with 难于相处的人 to play hard to get informal 故意拿架子 (rigid) 坚硬的 jiānyìng de substance, surfacehard muscles 结实的肌肉 to go or get or become or grow hard 变坚硬 as hard as iron or (a) rock or (a) stone 像钢铁/石头一样坚硬 nut A1 (demanding) 辛苦的 xīnkǔ de day; 艰苦的 jiānkǔ de life, childhoodto be hard to do sth; 做某事很费劲 to be too much like hard work ironic 太费劲了 hard work never hurt or killed anybody 辛苦的工作有益无害 to be hard going «trip, task» 费力 «text» 难懂 nán dǒng (diligent) 辛勤的 xīnqín de workerhe's a very hard worker (student) 他非常勤奋 (employee) 他工作很努力 tā gōngzuò hěn nǔlì (forceful) 用力的 yònglì de blow, pushto take a hard fall 砰然落地 (unpleasant) 艰难的 jiānnán de yearto deal sb/take a hard blow 给某人以/遭受沉重打击 life is hard informal ironic 生活很艰辛 it's a hard life being a millionaire ironic 做百万富翁不容易 it's a hard world 这是个残酷的世界 to fall on hard times 经历艰难时期 to give sb a hard time informal 为难某人 to have a hard time (of it) 经历艰难困苦 to learn sth or to find sth out the hard way 通过吃苦头认识某事物 no hard feelings 不再怨恨 hard lines ! British informal (sympathetic) 真不幸! (unsympathetic) 活该倒霉! (jarring) 刺眼的 cìyǎn de light, colour; 刺耳的 cì'ěr de sound (stark) 生硬的 shēngyìng de outline (very cold) 严寒的 yánhán de a hard winter/frost 严冬/寒冷的霜冻 (stern) 冷酷无情的 lěngkù wúqíng de person, looka hard heart 硬心肠 there were hard words between us 我们相互苛责 to be hard on sb/sth (harsh) 对某人/某事物苛刻 (unfair) 对某人/某事物不公平 (damaging) 伤害某人/损坏某物 to be hard on one's shoes/feet 穿鞋很费/挤脚 to be hard on the nerves 使人焦虑不安 informal (tough) 强健的 qiángjiàn de body; 坚强的 jiānqiáng de mindyou think you're really hard, don't you? 你以为你真的有种,是不是? (reliable) 确凿的 quèzáo de facts, evidence; 确切的 quèqiè de news (potent) 烈性的 lièxìng de drink, liquor (explicit) 极度淫秽的 jídù yínhuì de pornography Politics the hard left/right 极左派/极右派 jízuǒpài/jíyòupài Phonetics 硬的 yìng de sounda hard consonant 硬辅音 B. adverb (rigidly) 结实地 jiēshi de to set/freeze/bake hard 变结实/冻得结结实实/烤得硬邦邦的 (forcefully) 用力地 yònglì de pushto slam the door hard 使劲关上门 to fall hard against or on sth 重重地撞在某物上 (diligently) 努力地 nǔlì de no matter how hard I tried, … 不管我多努力,… as hard as one can 竭尽全力 to work hard 辛勤工作 to be hard at work or informal at it 忙于干活 (carefully) 仔细地 zǐxì de think, look (heavily) 大量地 dàliàng de to rain/snow very hard 雨/雪下得很大 (intensely) 剧烈地 jùliè de to laugh/cry hard 大笑/痛哭 figurative (deeply) 严重地 yánzhòng de to hit sb/sth hard 给某人/某事以沉重打击 to be hard hit (by sth) 受到(某事的)严重影响 (sharply) 急剧地 jíjù de to turn hard to the right 向右急转 go hard astern! 全速倒退! hard a-port/a-starboard 左/右满舵 (with difficulty) 困难地 kùnnan de to be hard put (to it) to do sth 做某事很难 (badly) to take sth hard 为某事难过 wèi mǒu shì nánguò (unfairly) hard done by 受到不公平待遇 shòudào bù gōngpíng dàiyù to look hard done by 看起来很委屈 kànqilai hěn wěiqu (close) hard behind 紧随在后 jǐn suí zài hòu hard on or upon sth 紧随某事之后 jǐn suí mǒu shì zhīhòu hard by (sth) dated 在(某物)近旁 zài(mǒu wù)jìnpáng




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