

词汇 hardened
hardened | BrE ˈhɑːdənd, AmE ˈhɑrdnd | adjective literal (toughened, set) 硬化的 yìnghuà de glue, skin; 淬火的 cuìhuǒ de steel figurative (inured) 久经磨炼的 jiǔ jīng móliàn de to be hardened to sth; 对某事无所谓 to become hardened to sth; 对某事变得无所谓 hardened police officers 老练的警官 attributive figurative (inveterate) 积习难改的 jīxí nán gǎi de drinker, addict; 怙恶不悛的 hù è bù quān de terrorista hardened criminal 惯犯 (strengthened) 经加固有核防护设施的 jīng jiāgù yǒu héfánghù shèshī de silo, bunker




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