

词汇 again
again | BrE əˈɡɛn,əˈɡeɪn, AmE əˈɡɛn | adverb (one more time) 再一次 zài yī cì when will I see you again? 我什么时候能再见到你? not again! 怎么又是这样! never again! 绝对没有第二次! again and again; 一再 (as previously) [回到原处或先前的状态]he was glad to be home again 他很高兴又回到家了 now she's well again 她现在康复了 (in addition) [加上]half as much again 增加一半 the same again 再来一份同样的 (further) 而且 érqiě again, there are striking differences 再说了,差异十分显著 again, you may think that more could have been done 此外,你可能认为本来可以做得更多 (on the other hand) 另一方面 lìng yī fāngmiàn then or there again; 不过




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