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词汇 against
against | BrE əˈɡɛnst,əˈɡeɪnst, AmE əˈɡɛnst | A. preposition (in contact with) 紧靠着 jǐn kàozhe (in collision with) 碰着 pèngzhe waves crashed against the rocks 浪头拍打着岩石 frustration made him bang his head against the wall 他懊恼得用头撞墙 (objecting to) 反对 fǎnduì ; (in opposition to) 对抗 duìkàng protests against the war 反战抗议 a warning against drug abuse 对滥用毒品的警告 I've got nothing against him personally 我个人对他没有什么意见 Smith against Jones 史密斯诉琼斯案 to be against the law 违法 she was forced to marry against her will 她被迫违心结了婚 (unfavourable to) 对…不利 duì… bùlì to discriminate against women 歧视妇女 she's prejudiced against me 她对我有成见 (in opposite direction to) 逆向 nìxiàng (as protection or a defence) 预防 yùfáng vaccination against cholera 霍乱疫苗的接种 insurance against fire 火险 precautions against burglary 防盗措施 he turned up his collar against the wind 他竖起领子挡风 (compared with) 相对于 xiāngduì yú the pound rose/fell against the dollar 英镑对美元升值/贬值了 the rate of exchange against the euro 对欧元的汇率 (having as a background) 以…为背景 yǐ… wéi bèijǐng ; (having as a contrast) 在…的衬托下 zài… de chèntuō xia to stand out against … 在…的映衬下显得醒目 sky, sunsetdark trees stood out against the snow 黑压压的树木在白雪的映衬下夺目显眼 formal (in preparation for) 为…作准备 wèi… zuò zhǔnbèi she is saving against her retirement 她在为退休存钱 preparations were being made against his return 人们正在为他的归来作准备 (in exchange for) 以…作为交换 yǐ… zuòwéi jiāohuàn payment will be against presentation of the bill of lading 货款将在出示提单后支付 B. adverb 反对 fǎnduì did you vote for or against? 你投了赞成票还是反对票?




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