

词汇 elbow
elbow | BrE ˈɛlbəʊ, AmE ˈɛlˌboʊ | A. noun (joint) zhǒu at sb's elbow 在某人近旁 to give sb the elbow British informal 排斥某人 to get the elbow 被排斥 to be up to the elbows in sth informal literal 把手臂深深地插入某物 figurative 深深卷入某事 shēnshēn juǎnrù mǒu shì to lift one's elbow informal 纵酒 (part of sleeve) 肘部 zhǒubù out at the elbows 邋遢的 (sharp bend) 弯头 wāntóu B. transitive verb 用肘推 yòng zhǒu tuī to elbow sb aside or out of the way; 把某人挤到一旁 to elbow sb in the stomach 用肘撞某人的腹部 to elbow one's way forward/past 用肘开路向前挤去/挤过 C. intransitive verb 用肘推 yòng zhǒu tuī to elbow through sth 挤着穿过 crowdto elbow forward/past 向前挤/挤过




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