

词汇 aggregate
aggregate A. noun | BrE ˈaɡrɪɡət, AmE ˈæɡrɪɡət | countable (total amount) 总数 zǒngshù the aggregate of unemployment figures 失业总人数 an aggregate of five years 总共5年 in (the) aggregate (added together) 总共 (considered as a group) 作为总体 zuòwéi zǒngtǐ to win/lose on aggregate 总体上赢/输 uncountable Geology 聚合体 jùhétǐ uncountable Building 集料 jíliào B. adjective attributive | BrE ˈaɡrɪɡət, AmE ˈæɡrɪɡət | 总的 zǒng de value, profitC. transitive verb | BrE ˈaɡrɪɡeɪt, AmE ˈæɡrəˌɡeɪt | 合计 héjì figures, totals




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