

词汇 flick
flick | BrE flɪk, AmE flɪk | A. noun (blow) (with fingers) 轻弹 qīngtán ; (with cloth) 轻拂 qīngfú ; (with whip) 轻抽 qīngchōu to give sb/sth a flick (with sth); (用某物)轻打某人/某物 she gave her cigarette a flick to knock off the ash 她轻弹香烟把烟灰弹掉 with a flick of one's fingers 用手指一弹 (movement) (of whip, cloth, fingers) 急速抖动 jísù dǒudòng ; (of tongue) 急速伸缩 jísù shēnsuō with a flick of sth; 随着某物的抽动 with a flick of the wrist 手腕一抖 with a flick of its tongue 舌头猛地伸缩 with a flick of a whip 鞭子一甩 at the flick of a switch 一按开关 a flick of the ball 拨球 (turn of pages) 快速翻阅 kuàisù fānyuè a flick through a book 浏览一本书 Cinema informal 电影 diànyǐng B. flicks plural noun British Cinema informal the flicks 电影院 diànyǐngyuàn C. transitive verb (strike) (with finger) 轻弹 qīngtán ; (with tail, cloth) 轻拂 qīngfú ; (with whip) 轻抽 qīngchōu to flick sth/sb with sth; 以某物轻打某物/某人 he flicked me with his pen 他用钢笔轻轻触了我一下 she flicked the crumbs off the table 她弹去了桌面上的面包屑 (extend and retract) 抖动 dǒudòng whip, cloth, implement; 伸缩 shēnsuō tongueto flick sth at/out of/round sth; 朝某物抖动某物/把某物在某物外抖动/在某物周围抖动某物 he flicked the duster out of the window 他在窗外抖了抖掸子 the cow flicked its tail at the flies 母牛甩尾巴驱赶苍蝇 (press) 啪地一按 pā de yī àn switchhe flicked the catch and the door opened 他啪地一拉门闩,门开了 to flick a knife open 啪地将刀刃弹出 to flick sth on/off; 啪地打开/关闭某物 Sport (with foot, hockey stick) 拨动 bōdòng ball, puck; (with head) 轻顶 qīngdǐng ballD. intransitive verb «person, animal» 快速移动 kuàisù yídòng ; «tongue» 急速伸缩 jísù shēnsuō his head flicked round 他甩了甩头 the frog's tongue flicked in and out 青蛙的舌头一伸一缩 PHRASAL VERBS flick away transitive verb [flick sth away, flick away sth] (with finger) 弹去 tánqù crumb, cigarette ash; (with implement, cloth, tail) 拂去 fúqù dustshe quickly flicked away a tear 她迅速抹去一滴眼泪 the horse flicked the flies away (with its tail) 马用尾巴赶走了苍蝇 flick off transitive verb [flick sth off, flick off sth] (with finger) 弹掉 tándiào cigarette ash, crumb; (with implement, cloth, tail) 拂去 fúqù dustflick out A. transitive verb [flick sth out, flick out sth] 猛地伸出 měng de shēnchū arm, tongue, tailB. intransitive verb «arm, tongue, tail» 快速伸出 kuàisù shēnchū the snake's tongue flicked out 蛇信子快速地吐出 flick over transitive verb [flick sth over, flick over sth] 快速地翻 kuàisù de fān pages, paperflick through transitive verb [flick through sth] 快速翻阅 kuàisù fānyuè book, magazine, document




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