

词汇 flit
flit | BrE flɪt, AmE flɪt | A. intransitive verb present participle flitting past tense, past participle flitted (fly) «birds, butterfly» 轻快地飞 qīngkuài de fēi to flit about or around; 轻快地四处飞 (move quickly and lightly) «person» 轻快地移动 qīngkuài de yídòng to flit about; 轻快地四处走动 figurative (flash) «idea, image, expression» 掠过 lüèguo a look of panic flitted across his face 他脸上掠过一丝惊慌 (move restlessly) «person, mind» 频繁变化 pínfán biànhuà he flits from one job to another 他频繁跳槽 B. noun British informal (house move) [为了躲债的] 搬家 bānjiā to do a (moonlight) flit (夜间)逃走




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