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词汇 float
float | BrE fləʊt, AmE floʊt | A. intransitive verb (be suspended on liquid, in air) «swimmer, object» wood floats 木头可以浮起来 he was floating on his back 他仰面浮在水上 (move on liquid or in air) «ship, log, swimmer» 漂浮 piāofú ; «feather, smoke, music» 飘浮 piāofú ; figurative «ideas, visions» 浮现 fúxiàn the body floated (back) up to the surface 尸体浮上水面 clouds floated across the sky 云在空中飘过 thoughts of lazy summer afternoons floated through his head figurative 慵懒夏日午后的种种思绪浮现在他的脑海中 the faint sound of voices came floating across the water 微弱的说话声从水面的另一端飘来 (move gracefully) 飘然走动 piāorán zǒudòng she floated down the stairs 她飘然走下台阶 Finance «currency» 浮动 fúdòng B. transitive verb (suspend) 使…浮起 shǐ… fúqǐ vessel, raft, logto float the cream on top of the soup 使奶油浮在汤的表面 (cause to move) «current, person» 使…漂流 shǐ… piāoliú boat, cargo, featherthe trees are cut down, then floated downstream to the sawmill 这些树被砍倒后顺流而下漂到锯木厂 figurative (propose) 提出 tíchū idea, project Finance (offer shares in) «person, company» 发行 fāxíng shares, securities; 使…上市 shǐ… shàngshì company Finance (allow to vary) «government, country» 使…浮动 shǐ… fúdòng currencyC. noun Fishing 浮子 fúzi British (swimmer's aid) 浮板 fúbǎn (in cistern, carburettor) 浮球 fúqiú Aviation 浮筒 fútǒng Biology 浮囊 fúnáng (decorated truck) 彩车 cǎichē a carnival float 狂欢节彩车 British Motor Vehicles 电动车 diàndòngchē a milk float 送奶电动车 British (for expenses, in till) 备用零钱 bèiyòng língqián a cash float 备用现金 Building 镘刀 màndāo US Cooking 加冰激凌的饮料 jiā bīngjīlíng de yǐnliào PHRASAL VERBS float about, float around intransitive verb (circulate) «idea, news» 传播 chuánbō there's a rumour floating about that he's going to be sacked 有传闻说他将被解雇 (move aimlessly) 闲荡 xiándàng ; (move gracefully) 飘然走动 piāorán zǒudòng he just floats about the house all day 他只是整天在屋子里游荡 grandiose ideas were floating about in his mind figurative 他的头脑中浮现着一些华而不实的构想 informal (be somewhere) «pen, glasses» 在近处 zài jìnchù have you seen my keys floating about? 你在附近看见我的钥匙了吗? float away intransitive verb (on water) «vessel, leaf» 漂走 piāozǒu ; (in air) «balloon, feather, leaf» 飘走 piāozǒu (move) «person» 飘然离去 piāorán líqù float off A. intransitive verb = float awayNautical «vessel, wreck» 浮离 fúlí we had to wait for the tide so that we could float off the reef 我们必须等到涨潮才能浮离暗礁 B. transitive verb [float sth off, float off sth] «sailor, tide» 使…浮离 shǐ… fúlí vessel, wreck




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