

词汇 flounce
flounce | BrE flaʊns, AmE flaʊns | A. intransitive verb (storm) [愤怒或不耐烦地] 急动 jídòng to flounce in/out or off; 冲进/冲出 she flounced angrily out of the room 她忿忿地冲出房间 (show off) 故作夸张地走动 gùzuò kuāzhāng de zǒudòng to flounce around or about; 动作夸张地走来走去 she found her daughter flouncing around in her high heels 她发现女儿穿着高跟鞋扭动着走来走去 B. noun 急动 jídòng she left the room with a flounce 她猛一转身离开了房间 with a flounce of her head she departed 她一扭头离开了




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