

词汇 agree
agree | BrE əˈɡriː, AmE əˈɡri | A. intransitive verb (hold same opinion) 同意 tóngyì to agree with sb; 同意某人 to agree about or on sth; 就某事达成一致 to agree to or with sth; 同意某事 to agree to sb('s) doing sth; 允许某人做某事 (hold with, approve) to agree with; 赞成 zànchéng belief, idea, practice (come to joint decision) 取得一致意见 qǔdé yīzhì yìjiàn they failed to agree 他们未能达成共识 the jury agreed in finding him guilty 陪审团一致裁定他有罪 to agree about sth/doing sth; 商定某事/做某事 (tally) 相符 xiāngfú her account doesn't agree with yours 她的叙述与你的不符 the two theories agree (with each other) 这两种看法一致 Linguistics [在数和人称等方面] 一致 yīzhì (suit) to agree with sb; 适合某人 shìhé mǒu rén (be easily digested) 易消化 yì xiāohuà I like cheese, but it doesn't agree with me 我喜欢奶酪,但吃了会不适 B. transitive verb (concur) 认同 rèntóng he agreed (that) he'd made a mistake 他承认犯了一个错误 (consent) to agree to do sth; 同意做某事 tóngyì zuò mǒu shì (settle on, arrange) 商定 shāngdìng time, venue, route, policy; 谈妥 tántuǒ terms, pricewe can't agree where to go for our summer holidays 关于到哪里过暑假,我们各执己见 as agreed 按照约定 (approve) 核准 hézhǔn figures; 批准 pīzhǔn pay rise, plan, candidatedon't forget to agree the menu with the embassy 别忘了与大使馆核定菜单




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