

词汇 glow
glow | BrE ɡləʊ, AmE ɡloʊ | A. noun (glimmer) 光亮 guāngliàng the glow of the evening sky 晚霞 figurative (radiance) 容光焕发 róngguāng huànfā there was a glow in her cheeks 她双颊红润 figurative (feeling) 心满意足 xīn mǎn yì zú a glow of self-satisfaction 沾沾自喜的神情 a warm glow 暖洋洋的感觉 B. intransitive verb (emit light) 发光 fāguāng (redden) 发红 fāhóng to glow with health; «cheeks, face» 容光焕发 róngguāng huànfā her cheeks glowed with health 她的脸颊泛出健康的红润 (look vibrant) «colour» 焕发活力 huànfā huólì (look pleased) 喜形于色 xǐ xíng yú sè their eyes glowed with delight 他们的眼中闪烁着喜悦的光芒 she was glowing with pride/self-satisfaction/happiness 她踌躇满志/洋洋自得/喜气洋洋




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