

词汇 hop
hop1 | BrE hɒp, AmE hɑp | A. intransitive verb present participle hopping past tense, past participle hopped (on one leg) 单足跳行 dān zú tiàoháng to hop up/down the path 单脚跳着沿路跑上去/跑下来 (move on both feet) «animal, bird» 齐足跳行 qí zú tiàoháng (jump) 跳跃 tiàoyuè to hop off a wall 从墙上跳下 to hop over a puddle/ditch 跃过水坑/沟渠 to hop up and down with rage/delight figurative 气得跳脚/高兴得跳来跳去 to be hopping mad figurative informal 暴跳如雷 to hop into bed with sb informal 和某人上床 (move speedily) 快速移动 kuàisù yídòng to hop on a plane 登上飞机 to hop off a bus 跳下公共汽车 informal (travel) 作短途旅行 zuò duǎntú lǚxíng to hop over to … 到…作短途旅行 we hopped across the Atlantic to New York for the weekend 我们飞越大西洋到纽约去度周末 B. transitive verb present participle hopping past tense, past participle hopped (jump over) 跳过 tiàoguo (go away) hop it! informal 走开! zǒukāi ! C. noun (on one leg) 单足跳 dān zú tiào to be (kept) on the hop figurative informal 忙忙碌碌 to catch sb on the hop figurative informal 使某人措手不及 (on both feet) 齐足跳 qí zú tiào in a series of little hops 蹦蹦跳跳地 informal (short journey) 短途旅行 duǎntú lǚxíng ; (short distance) 短距离 duǎn jùlí informal (dance) [非正式的] 舞会 wǔhuì PHRASAL VERBS hop about, hop around intransitive verb 四处蹦蹦跳跳 sìchù bèngbèngtiàotiào hop off intransitive verb informal 快速离开 kuàisù líkāi




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