

词汇 connect
connect | BrE kəˈnɛkt, AmE kəˈnɛkt | A. transitive verb (join) 连接 liánjiē object, place; Railways 加挂 jiāguà carriageto connect sth to sth; 将某物与某物连接起来 to be connected to the mainland by bridge 通过桥梁与大陆相连 (associate, link) 联系 liánxì person, topicto connect sb/sth with sb/sth; 将某人/某事物与某人/某事物联系起来 I always connect Oxford with rain 我总是一下雨就想到牛津 (to mains) 接通 jiētōng utilities; 为…接通 wèi… jiētōng household, area; (attach) 使连接 shǐ liánjiē wiresto connect sth to the mains 给某物接通电源 to connect sb to the gas supply/phone network 给某人接通煤气/电话 Telecommunications 给…接通电话 gěi… jiētōng diànhuà callerto connect sb with sb/sth; 为某人接通某人/某处的电话 to connect sb to sth; 使某人与…保持电话联系 reception, departmentB. intransitive verb Transport «bus, plane, service» 联运 liányùn to connect with the Oxford service 与牛津的车次联运 (provide access) «rooms» 连通 liántōng to connect with sth; «road, corridor» 与某处相连 Computing 联网 liánwǎng to connect to sth; 与某处联网 to connect to the Internet 连接到因特网 informal (hit target) «fist, racket» 击中 jīzhòng to connect with sb/sth; (deliberately) 打中某人/某物 (accidentally) 无意间砸中某人/某物 figurative informal (form relationship) 沟通 gōutōng to connect with sb; 与某人建立良好关系 PHRASAL VERB connect up: transitive verb [connect sb/sth up, connect up sb/sth] 将…接通 jiāng… jiētōng wires, applianceto connect sb/sth up to sth; 将某人/某物与某物接通 to be connected up to a heart monitor 被接上心率监视器




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