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词汇 match
match1 | BrE matʃ, AmE mætʃ | A. noun (Sport) (mainly British) 比赛 bǐsài an away/a home match 客场/主场比赛 a shouting/slanging match 大声争吵/互相谩骂 (equal, challenger) 对手 duìshǒu a good/poor match 实力相当/实力不济的对手 to meet one's match 棋逢对手 to be a/no match for sb; 是/不是某人的对手 to be more than sb's match 胜过某人 (pairing) 相配之物 xiāngpèi zhī wù a good/poor/perfect match 很/不/完全般配的东西 to form a match 匹配 pǐpèi the blood sample is a perfect match with or for that found at the scene of the crime 血样与犯罪现场发现的血迹完全一致 (partner) 搭档 dādàng to make a good match (for sb) 是(某人)很好的搭档 don't you think they're a good match? 你不觉得他们是很好的一对吗? (marriage) 婚姻 hūnyīn ; (arrangement of marriage) 婚配 hūnpèi a good/an unfortunate match 美满/不幸的婚姻 to make a match 结婚 B. transitive verb (put together appropriately) 使相配 shǐ xiāngpèi to match A and B or A with B or A to B 把A和B配对 can you match the names to the photos? 你能把姓名和照片对上号吗? (harmonize with) 和…相配 hé… xiāngpèi colour, furnishings; Medicine 和…匹配 hé… pǐpèi blood type, bone marrow (correspond to) 与…一致 yǔ… yīzhì ability, quality, descriptionwhich word matches the definition given? 哪个词符合给出的定义? (compete with, equal) 比得上 bǐdeshàng standardto match sb at tennis 在打网球上和某人旗鼓相当 match that if you can! 有本事你来试一试! the government will match your contribution dollar for dollar 你捐出多少钱,政府就会拿出多少钱 to be matched (by sth); (与某物)旗鼓相当 his wit cannot be matched 他的机智无与伦比 (put in competition, pit) 使…较量 shǐ… jiàoliàng person, team; 比试 bǐshi ability, qualitythey matched wits 他们展开了斗智 to match one's skill against sb else's 和某人比技巧 C. intransitive verb «parts, garments, colours» 相配 xiāngpèi ; Medicine «blood types, samples» 匹配 pǐpèi I can't get the two sides to match 我不能使双方达成一致 shoes with handbag to match 有手提包搭配的鞋 PHRASAL VERB match up A. intransitive verb (fit together) «parts, designs» 相配 xiāngpèi to match up to sth (be as good as, equal) 比得上 bǐdeshàng standard, quality与…相适应 yǔ… xiāng shìyìng reputation, hopessomehow it doesn't quite match up to my expectations 不知为什么事情总不如我所料想的 B. transitive verb [match sth up, match up sth] 使…相配 shǐ… xiāngpèi garments, colours




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