

词汇 harness
harness | BrE ˈhɑːnəs, AmE ˈhɑrnəs | A. noun (for animal) 挽具 wǎnjù ; (for person) 保护带 bǎohùdài to work in harness (with sb) figurative (与某人)合作 to die in harness figurative 工作时死去 B. transitive verb (put harness on) 给…上挽具 gěi… shàng wǎnjù animal; 给…系保护带 gěi… jì bǎohùdài person (attach with harness) 用挽具套 yòng wǎnjù tào animal; 用保护带系 yòng bǎohùdài jì personto harness the ox to the cart 把牛套到大车上 I harnessed myself into the seat 我坐到座位上,系上了安全带 (channel) 利用 lìyòng power, resources




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