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词汇 fluttering
fluttering | BrE ˈflʌtərɪŋ, AmE ˈflədərɪŋ | A. noun uncountable and countable (rapid moving) (of wings) 拍动 pāidòng ; (of bird, butterfly) 拍翅 pāi chì ; (of flag, handkerchief, leaf) 飘动 piāodòng ; (of eyelashes) 眨动 zhǎdòng there was a fluttering in the chimney, and a bird flew out 烟囱里有拍打翅膀的声音,然后一只鸟飞了出来 (irregular beating) (of heart) 怦怦乱跳 pēngpēng luàn tiào ; (of pulse) 不规则的跳动 bùguīzé de tiàodòng ; Medicine 心悸 xīnjì B. adjective (moving rapidly) 拍动的 pāidòng de wings; 飞舞的 fēiwǔ de bird, butterfly; 飘动的 piāodòng de flag, handkerchief, leaf; 眨动的 zhǎdòng de eyelashes (beating irregularly) 怦怦乱跳的 pēngpēng luàn tiào de heart; 不规则的 bùguīzé de heartbeat, pulse; Medicine 扑动的 pūdòng de heart




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