

词汇 follow up
follow up A. transitive verb [follow sth up, follow up sth] (reinforce, confirm) 加强 jiāqiáng effort, treatment; 对…采取进一步行动 duì… cǎiqǔ jìnyībù xíngdòng visit, programme; 巩固 gǒnggù success, achievement, advantage, lessonto follow sth up with sth; 以某事物进一步巩固 (act on, pursue) 跟进 gēnjìn advertisement, article, idea; 追查 zhuīchá clue, lead, rumourI followed up her tip about investments 我听从了她的投资建议 B. intransitive verb 继续 jìxù to follow up with sth; 进一步做某事




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