

词汇 fond
fond | BrE fɒnd, AmE fɑnd | adjective attributive (affectionate) 深情的 shēnqíng de gesture, embracea fond wife 深情的妻子 fond memories 充满柔情的记忆 absence makes the heart grow fonder proverb 离别情更浓 attributive (indulgent) 溺爱的 nì'ài de parents attributive (deeply felt) 热切的 rèqiè de hope, ambition attributive (foolishly optimistic) 盲目的 mángmù de ambition, beliefin the fond hope that … 痴痴地希望… predicative (having a soft spot for) 喜欢的 xǐhuan de to be fond of sb; 喜欢某人 predicative (keen on) 爱好的 àihào de to be fond of sth/doing sth; 爱好某事/做某事 predicative (irritatingly prone) 好…的 hǎo… de to be fond of doing sth; 好做某事




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