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词汇 foot
foot | BrE fʊt, AmE fʊt | A. noun plural feet (of person, animal, insect) jiǎo to break a bone in one's foot 折断脚骨 my foot hurts 我的脚疼 to have sore feet 脚痛 from head to foot 从头到脚 swift/light of foot literary 步履敏捷/轻盈的 to drag/stamp/shuffle one's feet 拖着脚走/跺脚/把脚来回倒换 in (one's) bare feet 赤脚地 in one's stocking or stockinged feet 只穿袜子地 to wipe one's feet 把脚蹭干净 to get one's feet wet literal 把脚弄湿 figurative 初次涉足 chūcì shèzú on foot 步行 bùxíng to set foot in a place 进入一个地方 to be on one's feet literal 站着 figurative 恢复 huīfù to rise or get to one's feet 站起身来 to bring sb to his/her/their feet 使他/她/他们站起来 to keep one's feet 站稳 to get or be under sb's feet 妨碍某人 to help sb to his/her/their feet 扶他/她/他们站起来 to put one foot before the other 行走 to run or rush sb off his/her feet 使他/她疲于奔命 to put one's feet up informal 休息 I shall be only too pleased to retire and put my feet up 我非常乐于退休,放松放松 to sweep sb off his/her/their feet literal 使他/她/他们站立不稳 figurative 使他/她/他们倾倒 shǐ tā/tā/tāmen qīngdǎo with his good looks and wealth he simply swept the girl off her feet 他英俊富有,简直让这个女孩神魂颠倒 to be quick on one's feet 脚步灵活 to take the weight off one's feet 坐下 to tie or bind sb hand and foot 捆住某人的手脚 to wait on sb hand and foot 无微不至地伺候某人 to leave somewhere feet first figurative 死着离开某地 to have smelly feet 脚臭 to have flat feet 有扁平足 my foot! informal dated 胡说八道! to set sth on foot 开始某事 to put or get sb/sth on his/her/their feet again 使他/她/他们恢复 to put or get its feet again 使某物复原 to put one's foot down informal 猛踩油门 figurative 坚持立场 jiānchí lìchǎng to put one's foot in it or in one's mouth informal 因说错话而冒犯别人 to have a foot in both camps 脚踏两只船 to put one's best foot forward (hasten) 赶快走 (do one's best) 全力以赴 (not) to put a foot wrong (不)出错 to get or start off on the wrong/right foot (with sb) (和某人关系)一开始就不顺/很顺利 to catch sb on the wrong foot 让某人措手不及 to have one foot in the grave figurative informal 已经半截入土 to be dying on one's feet 气数将尽 to be out or dead or asleep on one's feet 筋疲力尽 the boot British or shoe US is on the other foot 情况相反 to fall or land on one's feet 安然脱离困境 to sit at sb's feet (as pupil or disciple) 受教于某人 to lay the blame at sb's feet 归咎于某人 to stand on one's own (two) feet 自立 to have feet of clay 有致命的缺点 to get or have cold feet 胆怯起来 to shake the dust (of somewhere) off one's feet 毫不惋惜地离开(某地) to pull the rug from under sb's feet 拆某人的台 to have itchy or itching feet (eager to be on the move) 总想走动 (eager to change) 迫切求变 to have two left feet 脚步不灵活 the patter of tiny feet 婴儿的脚步声 to have or keep both or one's feet on the ground figurative 实事求是 to have the ball at one's feet figurative 有机会成功 to kick with the wrong foot Scottish, Irish 信仰与周围环境格格不入 to walk/dance sb off his/her feet 使他/她/他们走得/跳舞跳得筋疲力尽 not to let the grass grow under one's feet 不浪费时间 Zoology (of reptile, amphibian) ; (of horse, cow, sheep, goat, pig) ; (of rabbit) jiǎo ; (of bird, cat, dog) zhǎo Zoology (of invertebrate) (locomotive) 运动器官 yùndòng qìguān ; (adhesive) 吸附器官 xīfù qìguān (covering for foot of sock, stocking or tights) 足部 zú bù (of sewing machine) 压脚板 yājiǎobǎn (far end) (of bed, couch, grave) 放脚的一端 fàng jiǎo de yīduān ; (of table) 下首位置 xiàshǒu wèizhi ; (of list, of page, of letter) 下端 xiàduān the foot of sth; 某物的下端 at the foot of the page 在页脚 the foot of the bed 床脚 (lowest part) (of mountain, stairs, slope etc.) 底部 dǐbù ; (of lamp) 底座 dǐzuò the foot of a hill 山脚 (of chair, table or stool) jiǎo plural feet or, after a numeral foot (measurement) 英尺 yīngchǐ 6 feet or foot long/wide/high/deep 6英尺长/宽/高/深 by the foot 以英尺为单位 Literature 音步 yīnbù B. transitive verb informal (pay) 支付 zhīfù bill, cost (walk) 步行 bùxíng to foot it 步行 bùxíng




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