

词汇 enshrine
enshrine | BrE ɪnˈʃrʌɪn,ɛnˈʃrʌɪn, AmE ɪnˈʃraɪn,ɛnˈʃraɪn | transitive verb (preserve, protect) 珍藏 zhēncáng to enshrine sth in sth; 将…珍藏于某物 principle, tradition, ideathe constitution enshrines the rights of all citizens 宪法保护所有公民的权利神圣不可侵犯 to be enshrined in sth; 被神圣地记载入某物 our nation's glorious history is enshrined in the official records 我们国家的光辉历史被庄严地载入官方文献 a principle enshrined in law 受法律保护的原则 Religion (put in shrine) to enshrine sth in sth 把某物放在某物内供奉 bǎ mǒu wù fàng zài mǒu wù nèi gòngfèng to be enshrined in sth 放在某物内供奉 fàng zài mǒu wù nèi gòngfèng the relics are enshrined in a jewelled casket 那些遗物供奉在一只镶宝石的匣子里




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