

词汇 enter
enter | BrE ˈɛntə, AmE ˈɛn(t)ər | A. intransitive verb (come in) 进来 jìnlai ; (go in) 进去 jìnqu Theatre 上场 shàngchǎng (penetrate) «bullet, water, gas» 进入 jìnrù (register for event) 报名参加 bàomíng cānjiā B. transitive verb (come or go into) 进入 jìnrù room, stomach, airspace; (begin) 迈进 màijìn year, periodto enter a new phase 进入一个新阶段 it never entered or didn't enter sb's head or mind figurative informal 某人从未想到过 (flow into) 流入 liúrù sea (penetrate) «bullet» 穿入 chuānrù body; «water» 灌进 guànjìn boat (join) 加入 jiārù group; 开始从事 kāishǐ cóngshì professionto enter the Church 成为神职人员 to enter society dated 正式进入社交界 (take part in) 参加 cānjiā competition, exam, eventto enter sb in an event/competition 为某人报名参加某比赛项目/某比赛 to enter one's dog in a show 为狗报名参加表演 (record) 记录 jìlù to enter sth in the left-hand column/a ledger 把某事物登记到左栏/分类账上 to enter sth on the list/form 把某事物登录到清单/表格上 Computing 输入 shūrù data (submit) 提出 tíchū proposal, testimony, bidto enter a plea of not guilty 提出无罪抗辩 PHRASAL VERBS enter into transitive verb [enter into sth] (embark on) 开始 kāishǐ discussion, negotiationsthere's no need to enter into detail 没必要讨论细节 (commit to) 订立 dìnglì agreementto enter into a deal with a firm 与某家公司达成一笔交易 to enter into an alliance «parties, nations» 结成联盟 (share in) 体谅 tǐliang problem, distress; 分享 fēnxiǎng enthusiasm, moodto enter into the spirit of sth 融入到某事物的乐趣中 (be part of) «factor» 牵涉进 qiānshè jìn plans, situationto enter into the way sb handles sth 影响到某人处理某事物的方式 don't let personal feelings enter into it 别把个人感情掺杂到这件事中 enter on transitive verb = enter uponenter up: transitive verb [enter up sth, enter sth up] 登录 dēnglù details, totalenter upon transitive verb [enter upon sth] formal (begin) 开始 kāishǐ career, warLaw 正式占有 zhèngshì zhànyǒu inheritance




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