

词汇 hatch
hatch1 | BrE hatʃ, AmE hætʃ | A. noun Nautical, Aviation 舱口 cāngkǒu under hatches Nautical 在甲板下 batten down the hatches Nautical 封住舱口 figurative 作好应对危机的准备 zuòhǎo yìngduì wēijī de zhǔnbèi down the hatch figurative informal 干杯 (in house) 开口 kāikǒu a dining hatch in the kitchen wall 厨房墙上传递菜肴的小窗口 (brood) 一窝 yī wō a hatch of young birds 一窝小鸟 B. transitive verb literal eggschicken A1 figurative (conspire to devise) 策划 cèhuà plot




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