

词汇 hate
hate | BrE heɪt, AmE heɪt | A. transitive verb (detest) 憎恶 zēngwù ; (intensely) hèn to hate sb for sth/for doing sth; 因某事物而恨某人/因某人做某事而恨某人 they hate each other 他们相互仇视 (not enjoy) 讨厌 tǎoyàn to hate doing or to do sth 讨厌做某事 I hate it when people complain 我厌烦别人抱怨 I hate to see her cry 我不喜欢看到她哭 to hate sb to do sth; 不愿某人做某事 (regret) 不愿 bùyuàn I hate to interrupt you, but … 抱歉打断你一下,… I hate (having) to say it but … 我不想提这事,但是… B. noun uncountable (dislike) 憎恶 zēngwù ; (intense) 仇恨 chóuhèn countable informal (person) 所憎恶的人 suǒ zēngwù de rén ; (thing) 所憎恶的事 suǒ zēngwù de shì cooking is my pet hate 我特别厌恶做饭




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