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词汇 have
have | BrE hav, AmE hæv,həv,(ə)v | A. transitive verb 3rd person singular present has past tense, past participle had (possess, own) have (got); have you (got) a pen? 你有钢笔吗? I have no doubts that he's guilty 我毫不怀疑他有罪 she has (got) black hair 她一头黑发 I've nothing against sport 我不讨厌体育运动 to have had it informal (be in bad condition) 情形很糟 (be in trouble) 惹上麻烦了 rěshang máfan le (be unlikely to survive) 没法幸免了 méifǎ xìngmiǎn le this car/TV has had it 这辆汽车/这台电视机修不好了 when your father finds out, you've had it! 等你爸爸知道了,有你好受的! oh Lord, we've had it now! 天哪,我们这下完蛋了! to have had it (up to here) (with sb/sth) informal 受够了(某人/某物) I've had it up to here with my job 我的工作没法干下去了 to have (got) sb/sth to oneself 独占某人/某物 to have (got) it in for sb informal 跟某人过不去 I've got it! 我明白了! to have it off or away (with sb) British slang (与某人)性交 and what have you informal 诸如此类 to have (got) it in one (to do sth) informal 有能力(做某事) she doesn't have it in her to be nasty 她凶不起来 and the ayes/noes have it 投赞成票/反对票的赢了 (consist of) have (got); 由…组成 yóu… zǔchéng in 1999 the party had 10,000 members 该党在1999年时拥有10,000名党员 (be able to make use of sth available) have (got); «person, organization» 能利用 néng lìyòng time, moneywe had no alternative 我们别无选择 wǒmen bié wúxuǎnzé he hasn't (got) long to live 他活不长了 tā huóbucháng le (know) have (got); 通晓 tōngxiǎo he has good French but only a little Spanish 他的法语很好,但只懂一点儿西班牙语 (need to do) have (got); 有必要 yǒu bìyào to have (got) sth to do; 有某事要做 yǒu mǒu shì yào zuò I have or informal I've got letters to write 我有几封信要写 wǒ yǒu jǐ fēng xìn yào xiě I have (got) an essay for tomorrow 我明天要交一篇短文 (be with) have (got); 同…在一起 tóng… zài yīqǐ he had a friend with him 他和一位朋友在一起 (receive, obtain) 得到 dédào ; (accept) 接受 jiēshòu you can have it if you want it 你如果想要就拿去吧 I've had no news from him 我没有得到他的消息 to have it (from sb) that … 听(某人)说… these are the best skates to be had 这种冰鞋是市场上最好的 I'll have tea please 我点茶 will you have this woman to be your wife? 你想娶这位女子为妻吗? (perform, do) zuò to have a walk/dream/read 散步/做梦/阅读 have a look at this one! 看看这个! (exhibit quality, emotion) 表现出 biǎoxiàn chū temerity, courtesy, mercythey have a lot of courage 他们很勇敢 she had the good sense to refuse 她很明智地拒绝了 I had pity on them 我可怜他们 (produce) 产生 chǎnshēng influence, resultthe colour green has a restful effect 绿色使人感到宁静 (organize, hold) 举办 jǔbàn party, exhibition; 召集 zhàojí meeting; 进行 jìnxíng conversation, talks, enquiry, interview (be responsible for) have (got); 担负 dānfù dutieshe has the job of cutting the hedge 他的工作是修剪树篱 she has overall direction of the project 她负责这个项目的总体指导 (consume) chī food; drink; cigarette (suffer from) have (got); huàn to have (a) toothache 牙痛 yá tòng to have measles/a cold 患麻疹/感冒 huàn mázhěn/gǎnmào (experience) 经受 jīngshòu shock, heart attack; 接受 jiēshòu operation, checkuphe had a crash in his new car 他开新车出了车祸 to have a boring day 度过乏味的一天 have a nice day! 祝你度过愉快的一天! a good time was had by all 大家都过得很愉快 to have sth done; 遭受某事 he had his car/watch stolen 他的汽车/手表被偷了 I've (got) a pupil coming in 10 minutes 我约了个学生10分钟以后来 have you got or do you have a cold coming on? 你是不是要感冒了? (accept into home) jiē we're having the kids for the weekend 我们这个周末要接孩子们回家 we've (got) students living in the house 我们家里有寄住学生 (entertain) 在家招待 zàijiā zhāodài we had some friends to dinner last night 我们昨晚请了一些朋友来家里吃晚饭 (cause or tell) 使 shǐ to have sb do sth; 让某人做某事 she's always having the builders in to do something or other 她总是让建筑工人来家里做这做那 the court had him pay the full costs 法庭判他支付全部费用 we'll soon have everything ready 我们很快就会把一切准备就绪的 to have sth done; 让他人为自己做某事 to have one's hair cut 去理发 they like to have stories read to them 他们喜欢听别人给他们读故事 to have sb/sth doing sth; 使某人/某物做某事 he had his audience listening attentively 他抓住了听众的注意力 as luck/chance would have it 幸运/碰巧的是 rumour has it that … 据传… (allow) 容忍 róngrěn I won't have this kind of behaviour! 我不会容忍这种行为的! we can't have them staying in a hotel 我们不能让他们住在旅馆里 he won't have it that … 他拒绝接受… (hold) have (got); 拿着 názhe she had the glass in her hand 她手里拿着玻璃杯 she had him by the throat/by the arm 她卡住了他的喉咙/抓住了他的胳膊 (put, keep in a position) have (got); 保持 bǎochí he had (got) his back to me 他背对着我 tā bèi duìzhe wǒ she had (got) her hands over her eyes 她用手捂着双眼 tā yòng shǒu wǔzhe shuāng yǎn (be dealing with) 处理 chǔlǐ what we have here is a small group of extremists 我们要对付的是一小撮极端分子 over here, we have a painting by Picasso 这边是毕加索的一幅画 (become parent of) 生育 shēngyù child, offspringshe's having a baby (in May) 她(五月份)要生孩子了 our cat has had kittens 我们的猫生小猫了 have (got) informal (enjoy complete power over) 胜过 (baffle) 使迷惑不解 shǐ míhuò bùjiě I have (got) him now 我把他制服了 to have (got) sb where you want them 完全控制住某人 I'll have you! 我会收拾你的! you have or informal you've got me there! 你把我问住了! informal (trick) 欺骗 qīpiàn I'm afraid you've been had! 恐怕你上当了! informal (have sex with) 和…上床 hé… shàngchuáng B. modal verb 3rd person singular present has past tense, past participle had (must) 必须 bìxū ; (be obliged to) 不得不 bùdébù ; (giving advice, recommendation) děi [用于提出劝告或建议]to have (got) to do sth; 不得不做某事 you don't have to or you haven't got to leave so early 你不必这么早离开 I have to admit, the idea of marriage scares me 我得承认,一想到结婚我就害怕 to have (got) to do sth (mainly British) 得做某事 you simply have to get a new job 你就是得找份新工作 (expressing certainty, inevitability) 必定 bìdìng to have (got) to do sth (mainly British) 必定做某事 there has to be a reason for his strange behaviour 他的古怪行为一定事出有因 (expressing exasperation) 非得 fēiděi to have to do sth; 非得做某事 just tonight the bus had to be early 偏偏今晚公共汽车非得早开 why in the world did this have to happen? 为什么就非得出这事呢? C. auxiliary verb 3rd person singular present has past tense, past participle had (in perfect tenses) [用于完成时]she has lost her bag 她把包丢了 I've never been to Greece 我从来没去过希腊 to have done with sth (mainly British) 结束某事 [指不愉快的事]let's have done with this silly argument! 我们停止这种无聊的争吵吧! (in conditional clauses) [用于条件句]if I had known 如果我早知道的话 had I taken the train, this would never have happened 如果我坐了火车,这事绝对不会发生 D. having auxiliary verb (after) [与过去分词连用,表示主要动词之前的动作]having finished his breakfast, he went out 他吃完早饭就出去了 (because, since) [与过去分词连用,表示原因]I was cautious, having been deceived before 由于以前受过骗,我很谨慎 (although) [与过去分词连用,表示让步]having said that, I still think he's the best person for the job 虽然话是那么说,我仍然认为他是这个工作的最佳人选 PHRASAL VERBS have back A. [have sth back, have back sth] transitive verb 收回 shōuhuí can we have our ball back? 把球还给我们好吗? B. [have sb back] transitive verb (allow to return) 重新接纳 chóngxīn jiēnà she won't have him back 她不肯与他重修旧好 (invite in return) 回请 huíqǐng have down transitive verb [have sb down] (from north) 邀请…南下 yāoqǐng… nánxià we had the in-laws down from Scotland for the weekend 这个周末我们请众位姻亲从苏格兰南下做客 (from larger place) 邀请…来小地方 yāoqǐng… lái xiǎo dìfang we had friends down from London last week 上星期我们邀请伦敦的朋友到舍下小聚 have on: A. transitive verb (also have got on) [have sth on, have on sth] (be wearing) 穿着 chuānzhe to have nothing on 光着身子 [have sth on] (be using) 开着 kāizhe radio, light, heating, engine, music[have sth on] (have arranged to do) 安排做 ānpái zuò B. [have sb on] transitive verb British informal (tease) 哄骗 hǒngpiàn it's not true: he's only having you on 那不是真的,他只是在哄你 have out transitive verb [have sth out] (cause to be removed) 拔掉 bádiào tooth; 切除 qiēchú appendix(settle) 把…讲个明白 bǎ… jiǎng gè míngbai to have sth out with sb; 与某人把某事说明白 we'd better have the matter out 我们最好把这件事说清楚 have over transitive verb [have sb over] 请…来家里 qǐng… lái jiā li we had them over yesterday evening 我们昨天晚上请他们来家里了 have round transitive verb British = have overhave up transitive verb [have sb up] British informal 使出庭受审 shǐ chūtíng shòushěn to be had up for sth; 因某事出庭受审 he was had up for dangerous driving 他因危险驾驶被送上法庭




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