

词汇 infiltrate
infiltrate | BrE ˈɪnfɪltreɪt, AmE ɪnˈfɪlˌtreɪt,ˈɪnfəlˌtreɪt | A. intransitive verb «liquid, light, troops» 潜入 qiánrù to infiltrate through/into sth; 潜入某地 B. transitive verb Military, Politics «troops, political agents» 潜入 qiánrù territory, party; (gain access to) 悄悄进入 qiāoqiāo jìnrù police infiltrated the organization 警方潜入了该组织 to infiltrate spies into the country 派特务潜入这个国家 (pass slowly into) «scientist, technician» 使…渗入 shǐ… shènrù liquid, gas, substanceto infiltrate sth into sth; 使某物渗透到某物中 to infiltrate sth with sth; 用某物渗透某物




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