

词汇 go before
go before A. transitive verb [go before sb/sth] (go in front of) 到…前面 dào… qiánmian the trumpeters went before the procession 号手们走在队列前面 Law, Politics «accused person» 到…前 dào… qián court; «case» 提交给 tíjiāo gěi the bill went before parliament 这项议案提交给了议会 (live earlier than) 在世时间早于 zàishì shíjiān zǎo yú B. intransitive verb (happen earlier) 先发生 xiān fāshēng all that has gone before 先前发生的一切 literary (go in front) 走到前面 zǒudào qiánmian he went before to warn them 他走上前去向他们提出警告




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