词汇 | go down |
释义 | go down A. intransitive verb ① (descend) «person» 下楼 ; «vehicle» 下行 ; «road» 向下延伸 ▸ ‘going down!’ “下行!” ② (fall) «person, animal, building» 倒下 ; «aircraft» 坠落 ③ (set) «sun, moon» 落下 ▸ when the sun went down on the Roman Empire 当罗马帝国最终灭亡时 ④ (sink) 沉没 ▸ most of the passengers went down with the ship 大多数乘客随船一起沉到水下 ⑤ (lessen) «tide» 退下 ; «sea» 退潮 ; «water level, temperature» 下降 ▸ when the floods go down 当洪水落下时 ▸ his fever is going down 他正在退烧 ⑥ (lower body) 俯身 ▸ to go down on all fours «person, animal» 趴下 ⑦ (be swallowed) «food» 被吞下 ; «drink» 被喝下 ▸ it went down the wrong way 它咽到气管里了 ⑧ ▸ to go down to sth (continue) 继续下去到某处 ▸ if you go down to the bottom of the page you will see that … 如果你读到这一页的最下面你会看到… ▸ the championship went down to the last race 直到最后一项比赛才决出冠军 ⑨ (extend) «area of land, building» 向前延伸 ; «garment» 垂下 ▸ the skirt goes down to the ankles 这条裙子长及脚踝 ⑩ (deflate) «tyre, balloon» 瘪下去 ⑪ (get less swollen) «swelling» 消退 ; «ankle, knee» 消肿 ⑫ (reduce in value, size, price) «standard, quality, price» 下降 ; «commodity» 降价 ; «food» 变差 ; «shares, fund, value» 贬值 ; «amount, number» 减少 ; «weight» 降低 ▸ she's gone down in my estimation 我对她的看法不如以前了 ▸ the picture has gone down in value 那幅画贬值了 ▸ our readership has gone down 我们的读者减少了 ▸ I went down to 100 lbs 我的体重降到了100磅 ⑬ (be downgraded) 降级 ▸ the team went down to the second division 这支队降到了乙级 ▸ to go down a class School 降一级 ⑭ (be defeated) «competitor, team» 被击败 ▸ Spain went down to Holland 2-1 西班牙队以1:2输给了荷兰队 ▸ at least they went down fighting 至少他们是战败的 ⑮ (go south) «person, vehicle» 南下 ; «road» 向南延伸 ▸ we went down to Marseilles from Paris 我们从巴黎南下到了马赛 ⑯ (go from capital) 离开首都 ; (go from centre) 离开中心地区 ▸ to go down to the country/the sea 去乡下/海边 ▸ to go down from London 离开伦敦 ⑰ British informal (leave university) 离校 [尤指离开牛津或剑桥]▸ he went down (from Oxford) in 1985 他于1985年(自牛津)大学毕业 ⑱ British informal (go to prison) 进监狱 ⑲ (be remembered) 被记住 ▸ he will go down as a great statesman 他作为一个伟大的政治家将名垂青史 ⑳ (be recorded) 被记录 ▸ it all goes down in his diary 这都记在他的日记里 ㉑ (be received) 被接受 ▸ to go down well/badly 受到/不受欢迎 ㉒ Theatre «curtain» 落下 ㉓ Computing «computer, system» 暂停运行 ㉔ informal (happen) 发生 ▸ I knew something was going down 我早知道有事会发生 B. transitive verb [go down sth] ① (move down) 下行 ▸ the car was going down the hill 汽车正沿山坡下行 ▸ a shiver went down my spine 我背上一阵发冷 ② (go to) 前去 ▸ she's gone down the shops 她去了商店 |
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