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词汇 go down
go down A. intransitive verb (descend) «person» 下楼 xiàlóu ; «vehicle» 下行 xiàxíng ; «road» 向下延伸 xiàng xià yánshēn ‘going down!’ “下行!” (fall) «person, animal, building» 倒下 dǎoxia ; «aircraft» 坠落 zhuìluò (set) «sun, moon» 落下 luòxia when the sun went down on the Roman Empire 当罗马帝国最终灭亡时 (sink) 沉没 chénmò most of the passengers went down with the ship 大多数乘客随船一起沉到水下 (lessen) «tide» 退下 tuixia ; «sea» 退潮 tuìcháo ; «water level, temperature» 下降 xiàjiàng when the floods go down 当洪水落下时 his fever is going down 他正在退烧 (lower body) 俯身 fǔshēn to go down on all fours «person, animal» 趴下 (be swallowed) «food» 被吞下 bèi tūnxia ; «drink» 被喝下 bèi hēxia it went down the wrong way 它咽到气管里了 to go down to sth (continue) 继续下去到某处 jìxù xiàqù dào mǒu chù if you go down to the bottom of the page you will see that … 如果你读到这一页的最下面你会看到… the championship went down to the last race 直到最后一项比赛才决出冠军 (extend) «area of land, building» 向前延伸 xiàng qián yánshēn ; «garment» 垂下 chuíxia the skirt goes down to the ankles 这条裙子长及脚踝 (deflate) «tyre, balloon» 瘪下去 biě xiaqu (get less swollen) «swelling» 消退 xiāotuì ; «ankle, knee» 消肿 xiāozhǒng (reduce in value, size, price) «standard, quality, price» 下降 xiàjiàng ; «commodity» 降价 jiàngjià ; «food» 变差 biànchà ; «shares, fund, value» 贬值 biǎnzhí ; «amount, number» 减少 jiǎnshǎo ; «weight» 降低 jiàngdī she's gone down in my estimation 我对她的看法不如以前了 the picture has gone down in value 那幅画贬值了 our readership has gone down 我们的读者减少了 I went down to 100 lbs 我的体重降到了100磅 (be downgraded) 降级 jiàngjí the team went down to the second division 这支队降到了乙级 to go down a class School 降一级 (be defeated) «competitor, team» 被击败 bèi jībài Spain went down to Holland 2-1 西班牙队以1:2输给了荷兰队 at least they went down fighting 至少他们是战败的 (go south) «person, vehicle» 南下 nánxià ; «road» 向南延伸 xiàng nán yánshēn we went down to Marseilles from Paris 我们从巴黎南下到了马赛 (go from capital) 离开首都 líkāi shǒudū ; (go from centre) 离开中心地区 líkāi zhōngxīn dìqū to go down to the country/the sea 去乡下/海边 to go down from London 离开伦敦 British informal (leave university) 离校 lí xiào [尤指离开牛津或剑桥]he went down (from Oxford) in 1985 他于1985年(自牛津)大学毕业 British informal (go to prison) 进监狱 jìn jiānyù (be remembered) 被记住 bèi jìzhù he will go down as a great statesman 他作为一个伟大的政治家将名垂青史 (be recorded) 被记录 bèi jìlù it all goes down in his diary 这都记在他的日记里 (be received) 被接受 bèi jiēshòu to go down well/badly 受到/不受欢迎 Theatre «curtain» 落下 luòxia Computing «computer, system» 暂停运行 zàntíng yùnxíng informal (happen) 发生 fāshēng I knew something was going down 我早知道有事会发生 B. transitive verb [go down sth] (move down) 下行 xiàxíng the car was going down the hill 汽车正沿山坡下行 a shiver went down my spine 我背上一阵发冷 (go to) 前去 qiánqù she's gone down the shops 她去了商店




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