

词汇 go in
go in A. intransitive verb (enter, attend) 进入 jìnrù I don't have to go in (to work) today 我今天不必去上班 (fit) «key, pin, box» 放得进 fàngdejìn listen carefully: I want this to go in figurative 仔细听着:我要你明白这个 (go behind cloud) «sun, moon» 躲进云层 duǒjìn yúncéng (enter area) «military, police» 发动进攻 fādòng jìngōng the police went in to break up the demonstration 警察冲进来驱散示威群众 B. transitive verb [go in sth] (enter) 进入 jìnrù building, shop(fit in) «key, pin, box» 放得进 fàngdejìn the box was too big to go in the cupboard 这箱子太大,放不进橱柜里




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