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词汇 good
good | BrE ɡʊd, AmE ɡʊd | A. adjective comparative form better superlative form best (enjoyable) 好的 hǎo de book, news; 愉快的 yúkuài de holiday, party, journeya good joke 有趣的笑话 did you have a good night? 你那天晚上过得愉快吗? to have a good time 玩得很高兴 to be after a good time informal 寻欢作乐 have a good trip/holiday! 祝你旅途/假期愉快! the good things in life 人生的乐趣 it feels good to be alive 活着真好 this bed feels good 躺在这张床上感觉很舒服 that's a good one! 你真逗! have a good day! 祝你度过愉快的一天! she came in a good second (in contest) 她取得了第二的良好成绩 to feel good (about sth/doing sth) (对某事/做某事)感到愉快 riddance (high-quality) 优质的 yōuzhì de product, furniture, tool; 肥沃的 féiwò de land; 精彩的 jīngcǎi de performance; 上好的 shànghǎo de meal, wine; 很好的 hěn hǎo de result, chance; 良好的 liánghǎo de condition; 很高的 hěn gāo de reputation; 高雅的 gāoyǎ de art, music, literature; 漂亮的 piàoliang de handwritingit's a good make 这个品牌质量不错 a good-quality carpet 高质量的地毯 a good night's sleep 通宵的酣睡 a good honours degree in chemistry 化学专业优等学位 good reviews 好评 to be in good health 健康状况良好 to be too good for sb/sth 太好而不适用于某人/某物 I'm not good enough for her 我配不上她 good thinking! 好主意! (healthy) 健康的 jiànkāng de teeth, heart; 健全的 jiànquán de limbI don't feel (too) good 我感觉不(太)舒服 you don't look (too) good 你气色不(太)好 to have good hearing/eyesight/a good memory 听力/视力/记忆力好 he has a very good ear/eye 他的听觉/视觉很灵敏 attributive (prestigious) 有名望的 yǒu míngwàng de family, school; 体面的 tǐmian de job, positionto make a good marriage 与名门联姻 to live in a good area/at a good address 住在富人区/豪宅 (fluent) 流利的 liúlì de languageshe speaks good French 她说一口流利的法语 attributive (quality, not for everyday use) 高质量的 gāo zhìliàng de notepaper, tablecloth, china, cutlery; 重要场合穿着的 zhòngyào chǎnghé chuānzhuó de shoes, garment (attractive) 漂亮的 piàoliang de she looks good in that dress/in blue 她穿那件裙子/蓝色衣服很漂亮 to have a good figure 有迷人的身材 to look good with sth (match) 佩上…很漂亮 garment, accessory, colour, style (tasty) 美味的 měiwèi de food, meal, drink (virtuous) 正派的 zhèngpài de person; (kind) 善良的 shànliáng de person; 良好的 liánghǎo de example, influenceshe has led a good life 她生活得规规矩矩 the good guys informal 正面人物 good deeds 善行 shànxíng to be good to sb; 善待某人 it was good of them to help 他们能帮忙真好 would you be good enough to do that, would/will you be so good as to do that formal 请你那么做好吗 to be good about sth 对…表现出宽容 mistake, accident, damagemy good man or chap or fellow dated 我的大好人 [一种居高临下的称呼]and how's your good lady? dated 尊夫人还好吗? to be a good sort informal 是个好人 to do sb a good turn 帮某人一个忙 one good turn deserves another proverb 投桃报李 to do good works dated 做慈善工作 (in exclamations) good gracious or grief or heavens or Lord or God! 天哪! tiān na ! (obedient) 恭顺的 gōngshùn de person, behaviour, conduct; 乖的 guāi de child; 驯良的 xùnliáng de animalthere's a good boy/girl! 真乖! be a good boy and put your toys away 乖,把玩具整理好 be good! 听话! to be as good as gold 很乖 (pleasant) 愉快的 yúkuài de to be in a good mood or humour or temper 心情愉快 (reliable) 可靠的 kěkào de person, shop, brand; 令人依恋的 lìng rén yīliàn de place, countrygood old John 可靠的老约翰 good old Scotland 苏格兰故土 there's nothing like good old beeswax! 没有什么比老牌子的蜂蜡更好用了! (competent) 有能力的 yǒu nénglì de accountant, hairdresser; 称职的 chènzhí de teacher, father, husbanda good singer 有实力的歌手 I'm not a very good swimmer 我游泳水平不太高 you're not a very good liar 你的撒谎技巧一般 he's very good around the house 他是操持家务的好手 Dr Brown is very good 布朗医生医术高超 to be good at sth/doing sth; 擅长 school subject, DIY, dancing, solving problemssomething you're good at 你擅长的事情 to be good with sth; 善于应付某事物 she's good with horses 她擅长驯马 to be good with one's hands 手巧 to be good with sb; 擅长和…打交道 old people, childrento be good on sth; 通晓某事 to be good as sth; 擅长扮演某角色 she is so good as Ophelia 她很会扮演奥菲利亚 predicative (beneficial) 有益的 yǒuyì de to be good for sb/sth; 对…有好处 person, plant, skinexercise is good for your health 锻炼有益健康 it's not good for wine to be kept in a warm room 葡萄酒不宜放在温暖的房间 she eats more than is good for her 她吃得过多,对健康无益 if you know what's good for you 只要你知道好歹 (effective) 好用的 hǎoyòng de tool, knife, shampoo; 有效的 yǒuxiào de way, pill, methodto be good for sth/doing sth; 对…有效 headaches, removing stains, sunburnto take good care of sb/sth 精心照顾某人/处理某事 attributive (suitable) 合适的 héshì de book, time, place; 贴切的 tiēqiè de example, namegood sailing weather 适合从事帆船运动的好天气 is this a good place to stop for lunch? 可以在这里停下吃午饭吗? to be as good a time/place as any 是最好的时机/地方 (favourable, fortunate) 顺利的 shùnlì de year, day, time; 难得的 nándé de offer, opportunity, bargain; 吉利的 jílì de sign, omen, forecastthat's good! 太好了! tài hǎo le ! the good thing about sth/sb 某物/某人的优点 in good time 及早地 all in good time! 耐心点儿! it's a good job/thing that … informal 幸好… to look good (promising) 看上去有希望 (impressive) 给人印象深 to have never had it so good 境况从没像现在这样好过 it's too good to be true 这好得令人难以置信 to have a good thing going informal 一切顺利 too much of a good thing 物极必反 to come good informal 有好结果 (sensible, wise, valid) 明智的 míngzhì de idea, choice, investment; 合理的 hélǐ de excuse, argumentto be a good thing/idea (to do sth) (做某事)是明智的事/想法 to have the good sense to do sth 机智地做某事 it's good that …; …是明智的 (that's a) good point/question! 说得/问得好! it's as good a reason as any 这一理由足够了 without good reason 无缘无故地 (close) 亲近的 qīnjìn de relationship, terms, neighbourto be just good friends 仅仅是好朋友而已 (serviceable, valid) 有效的 yǒuxiào de cheque, ticket, credit, certificate; 能用的 néng yòng de car, machine, tyre; 能工作的 néng gōngzuò de personto be good for sth; 有效期为某时间 my season ticket is good for two more months 我的季票还能用两个月 she's good for another 20 years! informal 她还能再干20年! the ball is good Sport 该球得分有效 predicative (able to provide) to be good for sth; «person» 能负担 néng fùdān loan, payment «lake» 出产 chūchǎn salmon «newspaper» 能提供 néng tígōng local news (accurate) 准确的 zhǔnquè de description, spelling; 准的 zhǔn de clock, watchthe photo is not a very good likeness 这张照片不太像本人 the shoes are not a very good fit 这双鞋不太合脚 to keep good time «clock, watch» 走时准确 (thorough) 充分的 chōngfèn de give the table a good polish 彻底地擦一下桌子 she gave him a good telling-off 她狠狠地骂了他 take a good look at this photograph 好好看看这张照片 a good long walk 长途散步 attributive (substantial) 相当大的 xiāngdāng dà de size, amount, chance, age; 相当长的 xiāngdāng cháng de hour, distance; 相当高的 xiāngdāng gāo de rate, salary; 相当多的 xiāngdāng duō de choiceshe weighs a good 70 kilos 她体重足足70公斤 he had eaten a good two-thirds of the cake 他吃了整整三分之二的蛋糕 to add a good pinch of salt 撒一大把盐 I'm feeling a good bit better informal 我感觉好多了 a good many or British few … 相当多的 xiāngdāng duō de people (virtually) as good as; 几乎 jīhū the match was as good as lost 比赛几乎等于输掉了 she as good as called me a thief 她就差直接骂我是贼了 it's as good as giving them a blank cheque 这就等于给他们开了张空白支票 to be as good as new 和新的差不多 hé xīn de chàbuduō to make good (succeed) 取得成功 qǔdé chénggōng to make good (carry out) 履行 lǚxíng promise 进行 jìnxíng threat (repair) 弥补 míbǔ damage, loss, deficiency (reimburse) 偿付 chángfù expenses, money (achieve) 实现 shíxiàn escapeB. exclamation (expressing pleasure, satisfaction, relief) good! 很好! hěn hǎo ! jolly good! dated 太好了! tài hǎo le ! (encourage, approve) very good! 太棒了! tài bàng le ! good for her! 她真是好样的! tā zhēnshi hǎoyàng de ! good on you! informal 干得好! gàn de hǎo ! (in assent) very good 行啊 xíng ɑ C. adverb informal (very) 非常 fēicháng good and …; 非常… we got up good and early 我们一大早就起床了 you messed that up good and proper 你把事情彻底搞糟了 (mainly US) (well, thoroughly) 很好地 hěn hǎo de act, sing, dance; 彻底地 chèdǐ de cookyou listen good 好好听我说 did I do good, Pop? 我做得对吗,爸爸? go after that guy and fix him good 跟着那个人,好好收拾他一顿 D. noun uncountable (virtue) shàn ; (virtuous deeds) 善行 shànxíng good and evil 善与恶 to do good 行善 the good; 好事 to be up to no good informal 在做什么坏事 to come to no good «thing» 没有好结果 «person» 没有好下场 uncountable (benefit) 好处 hǎochu to do sth for one's (own) good/for the good of sb; 为了自己/某人好而做某事 she's a bit too serious for her own good 她太严肃了,这对她没有好处 for the good of one's health 为了健康 to be not much/no good 没多少/没有效果 to do sb/sth good; 给某人/某物带来好处 it will do you good to sleep 睡眠会对你有利 to do sb a power or world of good informal 给某人带来很大好处 no good can/will come of sth/doing sth 某事/做某事不会带来任何好处 after paying for the car she was still £300 to the good British 买车后她手里还剩下300英镑 to be (all) to the good (完全)有利 uncountable (use) 用处 yòngchu what good will that do? 那有什么用? what's the good (of doing that)? (那么做)有什么用? it's no good, … 这没有用,… he's no good in emergencies 他不擅长处理紧急情况 to do not much/no/any/little good; 没多少/没有/没有任何/很少有用处 to do sb not much/no good; 对某人没多少/没有作用 much good may it do you/them! 但愿这会对你/他们有好处! it's a fat lot of good telling me now! informal 现在跟我说没用! a lot of good that will do! 那有效果才怪! to be not much/no good (to sb); (对某人)没多大/没有用 to be not much/no good for sth/doing sth; 对某事/做某事没多大/没有用处 uncountable (competence) 能力 nénglì to be not much/no good (at sth/doing sth); 没有多大能力/没有能力(处理某事/做某事) I was never any good at (learning) English 我根本不擅长(学)英语 is the new secretary any good? 新来的秘书能力如何? uncountable (ever) for good 永远 yǒngyuǎn she's coming home for good 她回到家就再也不走了 for good and all 永久地 yǒngjiǔ de plus plural verb (good people) the good; 好人 hǎorén the great and the good British ironic 群贤 qúnxián the good die young proverb 好人不长寿 hǎorén bù chángshòu




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