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词汇 go over
go over A. intransitive verb (cross over) 穿过去 chuān guoqu he went over and asked her 他走过去问她 a plane went over 一架飞机从上空飞过 (overturn) 倾覆 qīngfù the car hit the kerb and went right over 汽车撞在路缘上一下子翻了 (be received) 受欢迎 shòu huānyíng his speech went over well 他的演讲很受欢迎 to go over big informal 很成功 B. transitive verb [go over sth] (visit, tour) 参观 cānguān we went over the house with our hosts/the estate agent 我们随主人/房地产经纪人看了房子 there's no point in going over old ground 没有必要旧事重提 (check, inspect) 检查 jiǎnchá report, accounts(review) 回顾 huígù to go over the explanation again 再解释一遍 she went over the events of the day in her mind 她把白天发生的事在脑子里过了一遍 to go over one's lines 复习台词 (clean) 打扫 dǎsǎo I went over the carpet with the vacuum cleaner 我用吸尘器清理了地毯 (spend more than) 超出 chāochū don't go over £40 不要超过40英镑 (retrace) 润饰 rùnshì he went over the drawing in ink 他用墨水把图描画了一遍




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