

词汇 go over to
go over to transitive verb [go over to sb/sth] (cross over to, travel to) 向…走过去 xiàng… zǒu guoqu she went over to him/the window 她走到他身边/窗户前 the ferry goes over to Calais twice a day 渡船每天去加来两次 to go over to Washington for the latest news 切换到华盛顿看最新消息 (desert to) 转投 zhuǎntóu he went over to the Conservatives/the enemy 他转向了保守党一边/投靠了敌人 (switch to) 转变到 zhuǎnbiàn dào system, functionthey've gone over to gas central heating 他们已改用煤气中央供暖系统 the factory went over to making doughnuts 这家工厂改做甜甜圈了




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