

词汇 for
for | BrE fɔː,, AmE fɔr,fər | A. preposition (intended to be given to, be used by, to help to treat sth) gěi ; (indicating purpose) wèi ; (in order to get sth) 为得到 wèi dédào ; (indicating availability) gōng these flowers are for you 这些花是给你的 medicine for a cold 感冒药 we treated her for asthma 我们治疗了她的哮喘 a play area for children 儿童游乐区 not for me, thanks 我不需要了,谢谢 there's gratitude for you! ironic 这就叫感激! to be in for it, to be for it British informal 会惹麻烦 right, you're for it! British informal 没错,你要遭殃了! to have it in for sb informal 讨厌某人 what's this spring for? 这个弹簧有什么用? I sent it away for repair 我把它送去修理了 for further information, write to … 欲知详情,请致函… to be for sth 想做某事 oh for a nice hot bath! 要是能舒舒服服洗个热水澡该多好! for sale/hire 供出售/出租 (on behalf of, as representative, member, employee of) 代表 dàibiǎo I speak for everyone here 我代表这里所有的人说话 the MP for Oxford 代表牛津的议员 Minister for Foreign Affairs (in UK) 外交大臣 (in other countries) 外交部长 (indicating destination) xiàng the train for London 开往伦敦的火车 they swam for the shore 他们朝岸边游去 (equivalent to) 相当于 xiāngdāng yú T for Tom T代表汤姆 red for danger 红色表示危险 what's the French for ‘boot’? “靴子”用法语怎么说? (in favour of) 赞成 zànchéng ; (in support of) 支持 zhīchí to be for sth; 赞成 zànchéng peace, divorce, reunificationto be for doing sth; 想要做某事 to be for or against sb/sth; 支持或反对某人/某事 are you for or against capital punishment? 你支持还是反对死刑? to be all for it informal 完全赞成 a campaign for free education 争取免费教育的运动 (as) 作为 zuòwéi what would you like for a present? 你想要一件什么礼物? (considering) 就…而言 jiù… ér yán it's warm for the time of year 在一年的这个时节这天气算是暖和的了 she's very young for a doctor 作为医生她很年轻 (as regards) 关于 guānyú to have no ear for music 对音乐一窍不通 she's a great one for jokes 她很会讲笑话 for efficiency there is no better system 论效率没有比这更好的系统了 (towards) duì her love for her children 她对子女的爱 to feel contempt for sb 看不起某人 (stressing appropriateness) 适合 shìhé not for sb; 不适合某人 she's the person for the job 她就是干这份工作的合适人选 it's not for him to tell us what to do 他没资格告诉我们该做什么 (indicating cost or value) 以…为代价 yǐ… wéi dàijià ; (in exchange for) 换取 huànqǔ they bought the car for £6,000 他们花6,000英镑买了那辆汽车 he gave me one for nothing 他白送了我一个 I wouldn't do it for anything! 无论给多少钱我都不干! she wouldn't hurt him for anything or for the world 她无论如何都不会去伤害他 to exchange sth for sth else; 用某物换取另一物 England were all out for 200 runs 英格兰队拼尽全力得了200分 (as part of ratio) [表示比例]one teacher for five pupils 每5个学生有1个老师 (indicating duration) [表示时间段]the worst storm for years 多年来最猛烈的暴风雨 we haven't met for months 我们好几个月没见面了 (indicating a deadline) 在…之前 zài… zhīqián it will be ready for Saturday 这要在周六之前准备就绪 when is the essay for? 文章什么时候要? (indicating scheduled time) [表示安排]; (on the occasion of) 在…时 zài… shí the summit scheduled for next month 计划于下个月举行的峰会 an appointment for 4 p.m. 下午4点的约会 he got a bike for his birthday 他生日时得到了一辆自行车 (indicating distance) [表示距离]to drive for miles 驱车几英里 it rises for 1,000m from the plain 它矗立于平原之上高达1,000米 (as a result of) 由于 yóuyú ; (indicating cause or reason) 因为 yīnwèi you'll feel (all the) better for a rest 你休息一下就会感觉好(得多)了 I was unable to sleep for the pain/the noise 我因为疼痛/噪音而难以入睡 for one thing … (and for another …) 首先…(其次…) US (after) 依照 yīzhào to name a child for sb 用某人的名字给孩子起名 a plant named for a former viceroy 用一位前总督的名字命名的植物 (indicating consequence) [表示结果]it's too cold for her to go out 天冷得让她没法出门 I haven't the patience or enough patience for sewing 我没耐心做针线活 (indicating attitude) 对…来说 duì… lái shuō the film was too earnest for me 我觉得这部影片太严肃了 what counts for them is … 他们看重的是… B. conjunction literary 因为 yīnwèi she locked the door, for she was afraid of burglars 她锁上了门,因为她担心有窃贼




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