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词汇 impress
impress | BrE ɪmˈprɛs, AmE ɪmˈprɛs | A. transitive verb (arouse respect in) 使钦佩 shǐ qīnpèi to impress sb with sth; 因某事物令某人敬佩 to be impressed by or with sb/sth; 对某人/某事物印象深刻 she impressed the examiners 她给考官们留下了好印象 we were greatly impressed by his footballing skills 他踢足球的技巧让我们赞叹不已 we were not impressed by his feeble excuses 我们不为他那些站不住脚的借口所动 this child impressed me as unusually mature 这孩子异乎寻常地成熟,给我留下了深刻的印象 to impress sth on or upon sb (emphasize to sb) 使某人铭记 shǐ mǒu rén míngjì importance, value, dangerI must impress on you the need to study hard 我必须让你认识到努力学习的必要性 the teacher impressed on or upon us that we should be punctual 老师让我们记住应当守时 (imprint) 压印 yāyìn to impress a pattern on (the surface of) a plate 在盘子(的表面)上压印图案 to impress a seal in the wax 在蜡上盖印章 B. intransitive verb 留下好印象 liúxia hǎo yìnxiàng he only did it to impress 他这么做只是为了哗众取宠 his efforts/the film failed to impress 他的努力/这部电影没有引起注意 C. noun (act of impressing) 压印 yāyìn bluish marks made by the impress of his fingers 他用手指按下的浅蓝色印记 (mark) 压痕 yāhén the impress of a seal in the soft wax 印章在软蜡上留下的戳记




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